Vision Divine axe their drummer...

Agh, darn. Didn't they also change vocalists from one CD to another? Odd if they keep changing someone on each CD. Though I like their current guy :)
Fabio (now Rhapsody) was the Vision Divine singer. Luppi has been the singer the last few (2 or 3.. i forget) albums
I believe Luppi has just been the singer for the last two: Stream Of Consciousness and The Perfect Machine.

I'm not sure what impact the drummer leaving will have, but I'm quite sure that whoever the permanent replacement winds up being that he will be as good if not better.

I'm excited to hear they are working on a new record alreadyy... they were definitely one of the surprises at PP for me.
Ok can somone please clarify this for me. On the DVD there is a different drummer than the one who played at PP. So is this just an official announcement about him being replaced? Or, is the guy we all saw play with VD at PP the one being replaced?
The drummer seen at PP is the one leaving. He didn't last very long, I don't think he was even in the band for the recording of the Perfect Machine.
All I know is that the drummer seemed off at the PP performance. The previous drummer shown on the Stage of Conciousness DVD was much better. Granted it could have been a multitude of things, none of which have anything to do with the drummer's ability, but he still sounded off.
I fear nothing. When Olaf left Labyrinth, he was the last original member of the band. When he formed Vision Divine, it was originally a side project, that grew to be greater than Labyrinth. He's seen many many musicians come and go. I appreciate his philosophy, though, that any musicians in his band must completely feel comfortable in the band and creating the same music. If they don't feel it, for any reason, then they should just walk away, and allow someone else to join who would fit the band's musical vision. Which is why he himself left Labyrinth. The band's direction as a whole was drifting from his own, so instead of throwing everyone out and starting new, he let Labyrinth continue as it naturally progressed. That's an honorable thing to do.

Besides... Vision Divine's grown to be such a stronger band than Labyrinth is, anyways!
Landisb said:
All I know is that the drummer seemed off at the PP performance. The previous drummer shown on the Stage of Conciousness DVD was much better. Granted it could have been a multitude of things, none of which have anything to do with the drummer's ability, but he still sounded off.

I spoke with a couple of the guys in VD after their set, and they said they had a lot of technical problems and were scared to death they sounded horrible--maybe there was a problem with the drummer...they were not specific.
Initially I thought that he was replaced because perhaps he had some personal issues that conflicted with the band (i.e. I read into it that it could be a chemical/alcohol dependency... not that I'm trying to start a rumor, that's just what I inferred...)
Bryan316 said:
I fear nothing. When Olaf left Labyrinth, he was the last original member of the band. When he formed Vision Divine, it was originally a side project, that grew to be greater than Labyrinth. He's seen many many musicians come and go. I appreciate his philosophy, though, that any musicians in his band must completely feel comfortable in the band and creating the same music. If they don't feel it, for any reason, then they should just walk away, and allow someone else to join who would fit the band's musical vision. Which is why he himself left Labyrinth. The band's direction as a whole was drifting from his own, so instead of throwing everyone out and starting new, he let Labyrinth continue as it naturally progressed. That's an honorable thing to do.

Besides... Vision Divine's grown to be such a stronger band than Labyrinth is, anyways!

I agree with everything you said. And basically, as long as Olaf and Michele are running on all cylinders, VD will certainly continue to do great things.