VOLBEAT's career is skyrocketing almost everywhere...

Hmmmm ... The band got an offer from a large band (in flames) to be direct support all across Europe. That right there can make a band, so OF COURSE the band took that tour. Glenn completely understood and while he was sad on a personal level (being a fan) he was realistic about the entire situation. Lets face it, at that point in time VolBeat wouldn't have brought any new fans to PPUSA that wouldn't already be here. Sometimes the entire "ohhh these guys were supposed to play here but had to cancel, so they've gotta be bad guys" mentality of this forum is laughable.

If you were to look at it from the perspective of people not wanting to support unprofessional jackasses it might look a little different. Obviously, as has been explained, this doesn't hold true where Volbeat is concerned.

Personally though I will stop buying from bands that can be seen as having screwed Glenn/ProgPower. The fest is a huge deal to me and I'm not interested in giving cash to people that treat it poorly. For instance, even though some of Arcturus' stuff was intriguing I will never buy any of it (but I will buy all of Ihsahn's stuff! for more than one reason) because of how they acted.

I'd buy it.

What you've gotta understand is that this is a business - there's no room for personal issues.

While I understand your point I disagree. There's a lot of personal stuff going on with music purchases, band loyalty, etc. Maybe from a management perspective you can't afford that kind of thing, but as a music fan and purchaser it's all rolled into the decision making process.
Sorry, but the Nickelback comparison is still bothering me just because it sounds ludicrous. I figured I'd help out our friend as perhaps he needs to hear some good Volbeat for it to finally "click".

Now, can someone PLEASE tell me how this sounds like Nickelback? :lol:
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That kind of shit is what I like to call "end-stage metalnerd syndrome" where the neckbeardiest of all the metal nerd neckbeards peacock their metal cred by making extreme comparisons to bands they don't like, but rather ending it at "I'm not a fan" or giving legitimate reasons as to why they don't like it ("riffs suck, etc"), they have to make said comparisons to sound extreme (since their personal brand is that of an EXTREME EDGY METALHEAD tm). The worst case example comes from a certain website whose acronym is a synonym for butthole:


Originally a thundering simple harmonic death metal act along the lines of Demigod, Amorphis came out of Finland and mutated into a more commercial animal. Now their main contribution is bringing the styles of death metal and Guns and Roses together on an album."

They are so entrenched in their foreveralone neckbeardiness that they have to make these sorts of comparisons because they think it builds credibility. And the ladies love it!
I tend to find that those who regularly use terms like 'neckbeard', 'forever alone', etc are the neckbeardiest and most likely to be forever alone out of all of us.

But I just used those terms....what I have I gotten myself into....

Said butthole synonym site can be a great resource, but I don't know of a single person who takes the reviews seriously.

For the record, I think Volbeat is an awful band, and so is Nickelback, but the two sound absolutely nothing alike. Riffs suck, etc.
You missed the point, and as you pointed out, stepped over your own potshot in one fell swoop!

It's pretty silly to compare Volbeat to Nickelback just because you don't like them. They sound nothing alike! The only reason why one would do it, is to ridiculously flaunt some nonexistent metal cred by coming off with an excessively strong opinion on the internet.
Aeonic and dcowboys, you're both neckbeard metalnerds, but I love you both anyways. :lol:

I really hope you bitches will be in Atlanta this year. Then I'd convince nailz to come as well. It would be the absolute Trollest of ProgPowers. :lol:

I can see Trollface already just thinking about that meeting of minds. :lol:
"Now, can someone PLEASE tell me how this sounds like Nickelback? "

Many of those riffs are not so far removed from Nickelback riffs. Listen to NBs "Burn It Down" or "Bottom's UP" and tell me you could NEVER hear Volbeat do something similar.

Furthermore, WHY THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER? Everyone comes from different reference points. My sister is into a lot of mainstream rock bands and when I play her some of our stuff, that's what her comparisons are too. I even think the Green Day comparison is not that out of line. I think Green Day could cover some Volbeat songs and it would sound right at home. I think the comparisons are legit to the extent that that's what a person knows. We've all been put in the situation where someone says "what does it sound like?" We go to our repetoire of known sounds and try to think of something. I don't think anyone who was intimately familiar with both bands (NB/Volbeat or Green Day/Volbeat) would say that their entire catalogs sound alike, but a couple of songs here and there make sense. I think there are plenty of Nickelback fans that would really dig Volbeat - my wife and my sister are great examples.

I guess my big question is why we (as in our little metal community) get upset when people OUTSIDE our community make comparisons to things most people on this forum don't listen to anyway? It's what they know, right?
I can totally understand the Nickelback thing. It's not that they sound like them, but his voice is very one dimensional like Chad's keeps his and they kind of rock like Nickelback does on stage too. I actually enjoy some Nickelback from time to time, as they wrote some catchy ass songs there until it became super formulaic. I took to Mustasch much more than I have Volbeat that is for sure. Pretty sure my copy of Volbeat's new album is still sealed.
Not sure why I'm not into this kind of music. I really have nothing against it, it just doesn't grab me. I dunno. Not enough dragons, maybe.
I'm hit and miss with Volbeat.Love some songs,can't stand others.For instance,absolutely love the songs "Say Your Number" from years ago and "The Hangman's Body Count" and "Room 24" from new album,but most albums just have 1 or 2 that I love and the rest I never catch on to.Love the guitar in most of their stuff but his voice along with the melody and pace of the song has to catch me right.