Votum = WOW this is good stuff


you can call me RRrrr!!
Aug 22, 2008
I just stumbled on to this band, and i have been just wearing their stuff out on youtube. Great stuff, anybody else here ever hear of them?

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Polish band. Riverside comparisons are inevitable, though they actually remind me more of latter-day Arena. Solid but unspectacular, although not without promise.
I can see the riverside comparisons (kinda) but where Riverside puts me to sleep, this puts chills down my back.
I quite like their stuff, lots of potential there methinks; here's my review of METAFICTION:

VOTUM - METAFICTION (B+/B) Armoury Records, 2010
7 tracks, RT 44:40
[ http://www.votumband.pl/ ]
[ http://www.myspace.com/votumband ]
[ http://www.eaglerockent.com/ ]
[ http://www.mystic-production.com/ ]
This interesting prog rock excursion comes to us via Poland's Votum, a
six man outfit cut from the cloth of bands such as Opeth, Pocupine
Tree and Riverside. I'll tell you straight out, if you are looking for
lots of crushing, heavy guitar work you won't find much on
METAFICTION, Votum instead preferring to create their pensive, rather
somber offerings with an abundance of expressive keyboards and
plaintive vocals. The band do wade into metal territory on "Glassy
Essence" and "Stranger Than Fiction," but it is obvious their talent
lies in creating evocative soundscapes, a good case in point being
"Indifferent," which brings to mind some of Dream Theater's quieter
moments. To me this is the type of music you can't really extract
individual songs from, more an album to put in and let play,
especially when you are in a particularly wintry mood. In summary,
well-played prog without the usual metal trappings, from a band worth
- Neal Woodall (MysticX9@...)