Voyager...Where to start


Mar 1, 2004
Ok, so Voyager was announced for 2015. I had already picked up V at Nightmare's table on Friday and wandered back to pick up the previous one. I was going through my cd's today and noticed that I have "I Am The Revolution" and "Univers" already from previous trips to the vendor room over the past 3 years. Neither one of these discs left a mark on me, but I also don't let many cd's sink in and things get lost in the process.

So, the question is; where should I start, and were Voyager an instant hit with the fans or did they have to play the discs a few times before it clicked?Every year I try to give every band the credit that they deserve. I figure, if Glenn chased them down to play ProgPowerUSA, they must have some redeeming qualities even if I don't hear it at first.

Patiently waiting for each of your responses while I rip the cd's to my iTunes.
Voyager didn't land for me until The Meaning of I. The first discs, for me at least, feel like they're just not meaty enough, which I don't think is a fault of the tunes. The Meaning of I is great, and its followup, V, is even better.
The debut is awesome but tends to feel a bit experimental. Revolution is where I think they really came together as a band and figured out who they wanted to be. I'm still absorbing the latest.
I remember buying Univers and not liking it at all. So I gave up on them until I saw them at PP and they blew me away, been a fan ever since. Still have to get ELEMENT V.
Am I the only one that loves Univers? By far my favorite album of theirs. Every few months it gets put on repeat for a week.
Am I the only one that loves Univers? By far my favorite album of theirs. Every few months it gets put on repeat for a week.

No this is my favorite as well. I remember talking with Danny after the first PP appearance thanking him for playing Sober. His response, " That's such a chick song." I'm a sucker for "chick" songs..:cool:
Am I the only one that loves Univers? By far my favorite album of theirs. Every few months it gets put on repeat for a week.

I adore Univers also. I started listening to Voyager with Element V. It was a complete departure from my normal purchases in that I prefer things on the heavier/faster end (for example, I already had 15 Over Kill CDs before they were even announced). When I downloaded the Sober EP, I was initially depressed as I thought Voyager went further down the path of music outside my preferences - especially Sober. However, it was a grower and now Sober is one of my favorite Voyager songs.

No this is my favorite as well. I remember talking with Danny after the first PP appearance thanking him for playing Sober. His response, " That's such a chick song." I'm a sucker for "chick" songs..:cool:

I also got a chance to discuss Sober with Danny. As I did not fully grasp the concept of the song, I appreciated his explanation that it is about unrequited love.

As to the thread - where to start: All five albums are very good IMHO....and with their set being based on a fan chosen set, there is a good chance of all five albums being covered at their show. So, just grab one and go from there :headbang: