Same here. But I think I've gotten close enough on my 2080.

actually a friend who got the jens patch (which Janne uses) says its 4 tones and there all synth reed and 2 of them are downtuned a full step. I got a pretty good emulation of that from someone on progsounds and it sounds EXACTLY like Jannes with the Big Muff PI, also it says on Scythes that his X5 modulation wheel is busted, so im baffeled.

also what do you use to send system exclusive messages? i used one for the Jens patch but it deleted all my other user patches....


Janne truly is just, a God of the Keys. This band truly amazes and enthralls me, despite many short-comings, like not having consistant, good vocals. I mean the vocals are good I spose (the guests like Kim Goss and Alexi especially), but I don't feel they suite the songs. I even prefer the instrumental songs to most of the ones with vocals. If they found a well matched vocalist, one who was in the band as a permanent fixture, I think they'd quickly ascend to one of the BEST bands on the scene.

Janne's playing just captivates me. If he sat down with Mozart and Beethoven, and others, I think he'd pwn them, seriously. Maybe not for songwriting and that shit, composing wise, but just for sheer skills. I honestly think he could out-play most of them, if not all.

I just got Beyond Abilities (I already had Unknown Soldier and Accept the Fact, 2 fucking spectacular CD's), but OMFG! The title track, first off, is FUCKING MIND BLOWING! LITERALLY... After that movie quote in the beginning... it's like Bodom's keyboard stuff injected with steroids and speed, then released to stampede through your ears... it's intense. Some tracks are slow, but I think they are meant to be that way to fit the female vocals of Kim. Also, the track "Hidden" soudns like an anthem most the girls would be playing over and over again. Anyways I'll stop ranting, all I will say is:

If you haven't heard anything by this band, do so immediately. As a CoB fan, you'll appreciate Janne's work, the whole band is pretty solid actually. And with guest vocalists from Synergy and CoB, you will be entertained. Alexi's cover of an 80's song (I had actually heard the original years before that has Michael Jackson in it) 'Somebody's watching me' is just a real treat. Quite funny and like I said, as a Bodom fan, you'll like it.​

(P.S. I searched the forum, found no thread with this subject/title but I only searched the first 8 pages, so, if there is already one I apologise.)

SO give me your thoughts and opinions on WARMEN!! (Your fav song, solo, etc...)​
OMG! Janne!!1!