what were the best movies of 2007? and most anticipated for '08?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I haven't seen many films at all this year so this thread should hopefully give me some good recos.

What did I see? Hmm...

3:10 to Yuma -- awesome.
Bourne Supremacy -- best of the three, but they're ALL excellent.
Die Hard 4 -- worst of the bunch, but still pretty good.
28 Weeks Later -- a few flaws scattered throughout, otherwise great

Without having seen either, I'm presuming lots and lots of people will suggest American Gangster and No Country for Old Men. I MUST see them!

Most Anticipated [based on trailers alone]

I Am Legend
10,000 BC -- fuck! Hundreds of mammoths!
Rambo 4 -- violence supreme!
AvP 2 -- just to see the Predator / Alien hybrid LOL

....and of course.....

Indy 4 -- no brainer
No Country For Old Men was easily the best film I have seen this year. 3:10 was a great film (one of the few times a remake has worked for me), and Curse of the Golden Flower also excellent, if you like the notion of Shakespearian Tragedy as a period Chinese film (works brilliantly).

AVP:R... yeah, it blew ass. Any film where people are violently killed by alien creatures usually has an advantage as far as favoriablity for me, but this was a stinker.
I couldn't believe AVP:R was so bad, so bad it was hilarious.

One example, the entire movie was all fast cuts, UNLESS they decided to pan up a tree, then they would really drag it out. And it happened a few times, I couldn't keep from laughing. Really tall trees are dramatic? That was all they could do to manage suspense.. WHAT'S AT THE TOP OF THIS TREE!, but then by the time it gets there you don't care.

top movies::

Hot Fuzz
Pan's Labyrinth

still need to see these movies which I'll probably like a lot:
No Country For Old Men
The Darjeeling Limited
edit: and probably Blade Runner: Final Cut deserves to be in this "still need to see for '07" list too
Most Anticipated [based on trailers alone]

I Am Legend
SUX. Crap movie. It's like a really really boring mix of Planet Terror and 28 days later with all the kool parts taken away.
10,000 BC -- fuck! Hundreds of mammoths!
Dunno what this is but it sounds kool
Rambo 4 -- violence supreme!
Oooooh yeah, seen the trailer?
AvP 2 -- just to see the Predator / Alien hybrid LOL
I was really anticipating this, the first one I expected to be crap but it turned out pretty kickass. Then, with the second one they make the same mistake as with Predator 2 - cast it where there's lots of people (some city or something, seen a trailer) and whäm bäm, suxin ensues.

Best 2007 in no order (aka good movies of 2007)

Planet Terror (Not Death Proof or I'd say GRINDHOUSE)
Spider-Man 3
Enchanted (I'm not gay, I just like stories and movies like them and this one was funny as well!)
Superbad (Great one! Hilarious)
Hot Fuzz

I think these are the good 2007 movies I've seen.

EDIT: Also anticipating the new Batman for 2008, seen the trailer? Looks kool. When's the new Sin City due?
No Country For Old Men was easily the best film I have seen this year. 3:10 was a great film (one of the few times a remake has worked for me), and Curse of the Golden Flower also excellent, if you like the notion of Shakespearian Tragedy as a period Chinese film (works brilliantly) Beyond that, Grindhouse and Hot Fuzz, just awesomeness.

AVP:R... yeah, it blew ass. Any film where people are violently killed by alien creatures usually has an advantage as far as favoriablity for me, but this was a stinker.

Edit: Must be tired, forgot Grindhouse and Hot Fuzz

Coming films: Dark Knight... not sure how I feel about the other films a coming.
I've seen very few 2007 movies and the only ones that I can remember seeing are:

300 (which obviously was really cool)


4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days, which more or less is the exact opposite of 300; low-key, "artsy-fartsy" and very very good. It's a romanian movie about about a girl who helps her friend do an abortion during the communist regime of the eighties, during which abortions were illegal
Good movies

Superbad (A rib tickler)
The Prestige (2007?)
300 (If you don't want to rip someone's head off after this, you're a Moose)
Rocky (had its moments)
Bourne Supremacy :)kickass:)
American Gangster (Best movie of 07)

Saw IV - Kill this series
30 Days of Night - Nonsensical
The Game Plan - This is supposed to be funny?
The Kingdom - Shit, with a negar in the lead role.
Good Luck Chuck - Dane Cook, enough said
I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry - Death to Queers! :mad:
Knocked Up - Fake Nad can't even save this atrocity
Rush Hour 3 - A chink and a negar, you'd expect laughs, low and behold there are none to be found here
Sicko- Didn't see it, SHIT either way
Spiderman 3 - Horrible casting, nonsensical screenplay
Simpsons Movie- WTF?!?!?
Transformers - Seen 30 secs, that's all I need

Looking forward to seeing when I can be arsed (a.k.a paid for it)

3:10 to Yuma
No Country for Old Men
Gone Baby Gone
We Own the Night
I thought AVP-R was pretty cool
Spiderman 3 blew so much ass. Fuck Sam Raimi!
28 Weeks Later was shit
Die Hard 4 was fucking excellent! Fuck Blu-Ray for not making an unrated version.
3:10 was excellent
Bourne was awesome, fuck you for not being out on Blu-Ray
Transformers was great! another fuck you for not being on Blu-Ray

Harry Potter
The fight scene between Predator and the Predalien is shorter and less epic than the alley-fight in They Live.

dude, the entire movie Gladiator is shorter and less epic than the alley fight in they live

also hellmike, spiderman 3? are you serious? i watched most of it and it was god awful, everyone i know who's seen it agrees...in fact you're the first person i've ever seen recommend it. i'm not even gonna mention enchanted :loco:
No country for old Men
Michael Clayton
Gone Baby Gone
This is England

There Will be Blood
The Dark Knight
Speed Racer
Maybe I'm the victim of a brilliant marketing campaign, but I am dying to see this movie and I have no fucking idea what it is about at all. :lol:

Cloverfield Trailer

There's TONS of viral marketing that has been going on and is still going on for this movie. Lots of background information on the characters, companies, and origins of the monster that might not be in the film, but it's out there on the Interbutts. Try and catch up on it all, it's very interesting.
Best of '07:

No Country for Old Men (JK, if it's playing anywhere now, RUN, absolutely outstanding, just be sure to pay attention every single step of the way - it should be easy though, since it's mesmerizing, particularly Javier Bardem's one-of-a-kind unforgettable performance)

American Gangster (great cast, great story = a drama that's worth staying 2 and a half hours for)

3:10 to Yuma (best western since Unforgiven, and better too)

The Bourne Supremacy (another rousing entry in an outstanding series)

(The Prestige was actually 2006 Jer, but owns nevertheless).

Most anticipated of '08:

The Dark Knight (the last one was amazing and since most of the cast and crew remain the same, it's a no brainer)

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (awkward title, but it's Indiana Jones, it will take a lot more than that to prevent me from seeing this one)

Cloverfield (came out of nowhere, and has absolutely piqued my interest - the effects look fantastic)

Rambo (looks like "First Blood" may finally have a worthy sequel)

Bond 22 (Daniel Craig is back as Bond - 'nuff said)

Star Trek XI

The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Also very much looking forward to "There Will Be Blood", which is technically a 2007 release, but expanding to major markets this Friday.

Cloverfield loooks good. I saw the trailer the other day. Is it a remake of a Japanese film? A friend of mine had me watch a trailer at least a year ago about this monster that was tearing shit up but was never shown in the trailer (and possibly not the film at all).
Not a remake. As I understand it, he's attempting to create a new monster film (but one likely inspired by such films of the past) in a grittier, more realistic portrayal.

Edit: but not taking the whore's way out by remaking something that's been done a half dozen times /rimshotatWaroftheWorlds
Cloverfield loooks good. I saw the trailer the other day. Is it a remake of a Japanese film? A friend of mine had me watch a trailer at least a year ago about this monster that was tearing shit up but was never shown in the trailer (and possibly not the film at all).

You probably saw a trailer for "The Host"