When did you discover Bodom?

Nov 26, 2001
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I think of myself as a big CoB-fan, but I've acctually not listen to them for that long. The first time I heard them where when a friend of mine played "Lake Bodom" (Tokyo Warhearts) right after the release of "Follow the Reaper". That moment, when I heard the Lake Bodom-intro, changed the way I look at music :)
I discovered them on the Belgian TV. At first, I wasn't overwelmed, but when I listened to Hatebreeder at the store, I was stunned! I bought the album imediately and listend to it constantly. That was about one year ago.
I was getting into bands like In Flames and Opeth, and someone suggested that I give Children of Bodom a try, so I did. Bought Hatebreeder and loved it :)

This was back in 1999, I believe.
I bought the "something wild" LP by accident when it was released.I just liked the cover but it proved to be a major kick-ass album:heh:
I had just to discovered In Flames and groups of that style. A friend lent me Something Wild and Hatebreed from an "unknown" band. At the begining I didn´t like them very much, and I only listened to them once or twice.

One day I bought a ticket for a Heavy Metal festival here (the festival was in February). One of the groups which were going to play was CoB, so I listened to the albums again, and I downloaded Follow the Reaper, and........... wow, they were now so aweeeeeeesome!!

I bought all their albums, I saw them in the festival, and the rest is history.....
For me it was late 97 after they had just released something wild in finland. A finnish friend sent me the mp3 lake bodom and from that day i was a hard core cob fan.
I lent Something Wild from the local library a few months after its release. I wasn't very much into metal that time and I hated the vocals, so I didn't like it very much then. About a year ago I checked it again and I liked it very much. In Flames had helped me to like this type of vocals and now I have to say that I wouldn't imagine CoB without death grunts. ;)
my story is very similar to most of yours. I got into In Flames back in February 2001 :lol: and I had Children of Bodom suggested on the In Flames board so I downloaded Downfall, immediatly hooked me. Bought Hatebreeder within a week and in about August bought Follow the Reaper. Now they are one of my favorite bands, Alexi IS my favorite guitar player :headbang:
i actually found out about them on accident when i bought follow the reaper just beacause i saw nuclear blast on it, i live in texas and almost every person i have talked to are like" what the fuck is children of bodom???" and then i let them listen and they all loose control of their bodily functions and defecate on themselves:)
Well, I heard Deadnight Warrior first, before Something Wild was released, on a finnish compilation album. Then, after I heard Children of Bodom on another finnish compilation album, I went to my first CoB gig and a couple of days after I bought Something Wild..
Downloaded Deadnight Warrior, and Bed of Razors, fucking loved it, then my brother gave me Hatebreeder for Christmas. Best present ever, got me into real metal!
One of my friends, brought his minidisk on a lan, and played Touch Like Angel Of Death on some speakers. When i got goosebumps, i knew that this band would change my life :p
Now they are my favorite band probably!
I bought the single Children of Bodom right after it was released. The name of the band just sounded cool and the front cover of the single was tempting. Let me tell you, I wasn't dissapointed...
I was actually cruising a metal sight and I saw the Follow The reaper cover there and the cover art I thought was just awsome, so I downloaded some of their stuff and was immediatly hooked.

Follow the reaper was the first CD i bought only after the realease of that they started importing the other ones too Australia. Now I just gotta get Tokyo Warhearts....

My COB Site (Children of Bodom: In The Shadows)