Who of the COB guys would you like to meet?


Wanderer in darkness
Mar 25, 2003
That three year old poll that has been resurrected gave me an idea: Which of the guys would you like to meet? And I don't mean meeting ÅMGAlexi for getting an autograph, a kiss, or a guitar lesson, this question is not about your fav member. I mean, which one of them do you think has an interesting personality, which of them would you like to talk to? (As far as the personality shows up in interviews & photos and the like.... us fans probably get to see more of a stage persona than their real personality anyway.)

I would like to meet Henkka. In some interview I read his goal in life is "to be a good person" and I would really like to ask him what he thinks a good person is like. Then, in some tour diary he mentioned voting for the European elections. Also, I like some of his answers in his profile, being openminded, and wanting to have a windpowered Jaguar :lol: Sounds like he's thinking about a lot of things that are important to me, too. Lastly, in many photos he looks very natural and not posing. Don't get me wrong, posing is cool in someone's stage persona! It's just that Henkka doesn't seem to hide (as much) behind some stage persona, and that makes him seem likable and accessible.

Jaska gets a few extra points for describing himself as complicated. I'm complicated myself and I like complicated people. But all in all I think for me Henkka would be the most interesting COB member to talk to.

So what about you guys, which of them would you like to meet, which of them seems to have an interesting personality? Or maybe some of you have met band members before - were they like you expected them to be, or are they in person a lot different than what they seem to be on stage/in interviews/on photos?
Right... I would meet Henkka because i vagualy remember him sometime saying something about science, which i also am intrested in, but then again my memory is faulty as fuck.. He seems like a cool guy. Jaska because he... just because.

Janne because of the keyboard stuff really..

And if i had to meet alexi for some reason it would be because of the cars, he has a good taste in cars.

There. happy now?
i'd probably wanna meet alexi the most, but that's because he's the main composer. and too bad, i know you said don't say "Amg Alexi" just cuz you wanna get a guitar lesson or something...but i would definitely wanna talk about his musical style. especially his compositions in Hatebreeder and FTR. i would ask him how did he start writing like that? what particular scales/modes are his favorite to use, etc. and then of course i would love to get drunk off my ass with him. i hear he's a real jackass when he's drunk...jumping out of the tour bus window and breaking his arm....:kickass:
I'd like to discuss music stuff with Alexi and just talk random shit with Roope. After watching Lamb of God's Killadelphia DVD, I can safely say he's hilarious when he's drunk.
Midnightblueshade said:
What makes him cool? Is he life and in person also as funny as in the Trashed and Lost in Helsinki video?

basically yeah. For you that have seen the TL&S helsinki, you basically got roope in a nutshell. But ofcourse you don't get to know a person by just talking to him once.
Muffin said:
There. happy now?
You're not obliged to make me happy, you can also compile lists if you want to ;) But thank you anyway! :)

Mystique1721 said:
too bad, i know you said don't say "Amg Alexi"
It's OK when you want to meet Alexi to talk to him about his music. I just wasn't interesting in posts like "Alexi because his guitaring is so sweet and he's my hero!!111"

Conti said:
btw the thread tittle should say "which" no "who" :p
Really? I thought who when referring to people and which when referring to things... English isn't my first language, though.
well actually im not 100%,mabye that english teacher will say something
I'd like to discuss music stuff with Alexi and just talk random shit with Roope. After watching Lamb of God's Killadelphia DVD, I can safely say he's hilarious when he's drunk.
OMG, Alexi all the fuckin way becuz his guitaring is so sweet and he's my hero!!!!!! j/k

If i weren't in love with Alexi, here's what my reasonable answer would be: I'd say Alexi cuz i want to know what his opinions are on a lot of bands, he seems like a funny guy and could joke around with and drink with, i want to ask how the kissing with him and Janne happened, i want to get to know him, i want to ask about his styles in guitaring and how he formed the albums, and.....i can't really think of reasonable reasons.

And for my fangirlness, i want to meet him cuz i fuckin love him so damn much cuz he's the greatest person in the whole world, i want to stay with him forever, tell him how much i love him, have his earings, talk with him forever, and maybe fuck him.
Lady_Laiho said:
OMG, Alexi all the fuckin way becuz his guitaring is so sweet and he's my hero!!!!!! j/k

If i weren't in love with Alexi, here's what my reasonable answer would be: I'd say Alexi cuz i want to know what his opinions are on a lot of bands, he seems like a funny guy and could joke around with and drink with, i want to ask how the kissing with him and Janne happened, i want to get to know him, i want to ask about his styles in guitaring and how he formed the albums, and.....i can't really think of reasonable reasons.

And for my fangirlness, i want to meet him cuz i fuckin love him so damn much cuz he's the greatest person in the whole world, i want to stay with him forever, tell him how much i love him, have his earings, talk with him forever, and maybe fuck him.

From all of that i thought that having his earings was the weirdest :erk: