Who remembers this gem?

Ghost Wind

Oct 26, 2011
The rest of the disc wasn't as heavy but still contained some great tunes. They were probably considered hard rock but this tune just owns. Excellent soaring singer btw! Check it out.

Conditioned Response

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Love this song. The track "Winter" still gives me goose bumps when it kicks in..... These guys really had a great Badlands vibe, and I wish they would have had more than the two albums.....
Both Conditioned Response albums kick ass! They reminded me of a cross between "Rage For Order"-era Queensryche and Firehouse. Rick Forsgren was (and still is, actually) such an incredible singer. The band actually had a third release before officially calling it quits. It was an EP entitled "Black Box." I've been dying to obtain a copy of it, as it really rocks!

Stay metal. Never rust.
One of my first purchases from Dream Disc back in the day.

That brings back memories! We used to make the drive from Detroit to Indiana to visit the store, and would spend all afternoon there. The guys who ran it (Jason someone?) were GREAT at letting us open up and play almost anything they had in stock to try before buying.

I also remember several times someone walking in off the street, and asking "you have the new Madonna" or whatever...... LOL.

Great place, and hated to see them go.
Haha I used to purchase from Dream Disc back in the day along with Cd Cellar. I have both versions of this album as they were actually called PAVLOV'S DOGS, and released the CD originally under that band name before having to change the name of the band to their album title.

2 other bands I loved with similar vocals were HOUSE OF SPIRITS, and ANGELLIC RAGE.
Just a side note - Mr. Zane (of CD Inzane) plays the drums on "In Flagrante Delecto" - love both releases!!
Hi, Colorado Kid!

Actually, Rick Forsgren is currently involved in an AOR band called Bonrud. He didn't sing on the debut album, but he is on the second and most recent album, "Save Tomorrow." Though I prefer Conditioned Response, Bonrud is definitely worth hearing. Outside of that, I know that Rick had spent some years singing in a cover band called Rockfist. You can find Youtube videos of some of their performances.

Stay metal. Never rust.