Why do Sundays suck so bad??

I work on Sundays because I get paid extra. I always feel like I'm a day ahead of everyone. Tomorrow they'll all be saying, "Ugh, it's Monday."
And I'll say, "Only 3 more days until my weekend (Friday and Saturday off)."
That' cool. I don't mind Sundays too much.
Well, today sucked because I had to go to the mall and get my son some walking shoes. Yes, my little baby is now walking. It's so sad. It seems like I just had him a month ago, yet his birthday is in less than a month. So I'm depressed that he's old enough that I have to be buying him walking shoes and planning his birthday party. On the other hand, I've gotten a lot of reading done the last two days. Finished Post Office yesterday like I planned, and moved on to Women, which I am coming up on half way through. Oh and I found my Nod to the Old School, which was busy cowering under the couch. (CDs that left unattended are then covered in drool and scratched with little teeth). So I turned that on and cleaned my kitchen...AGAIN!! (Why can't men clean up after themselves? The baby I'll excuse, but my husband...) Now I get to start some laundry. Are you all jealous yet? You should be. So my Sunday was boring, lame and depressing. And really not very different from every other Sunday. I can totally see why Ty hates them so much.
I think it comes down to me hatnig Sunday because it is a day of lamentation. The thrill and excitement of Saturday and Friday nights are long over. Everyone is back at home or at church and in your mind you are thinking of how much fun you had, but you are sad because it is over (like Dec. 26th) and you are also peeved because of the realization that the work week starts in less than 24 hours.........

"every day is like Sunday, every day is cloudy and grey" Morrissey