why my job is the shit


Three Star General
Jul 26, 2002
seipptastic: this ladythat works here took one of the office cell phones, and refused to take the charger
indieradioisdead: wha
indieradioisdead: i don't get it
seipptastic: now, she CALLS ME (using the cell phone) to tell me the phone is broken
indieradioisdead: why not
seipptastic: she can't answer calls
indieradioisdead: HAHAHAHAHA
indieradioisdead: SWEET
seipptastic: i tell her there are TWO DIFFERENT BUTTONS she can press to answer a call
seipptastic: and visually describe them
indieradioisdead: kljhsdflkjahsdf
indieradioisdead: awesome
seipptastic: she brings the phgone back today and says "well neither of those buttons would work, and now the damn thing won't even turn on!"
indieradioisdead: lksjdfjlhsdfjkhfa
indieradioisdead: omg
seipptastic: ok
indieradioisdead: your job rules
seipptastic: i say "well the battery is probably dead"
indieradioisdead: hahahah
seipptastic: she says "oh, so it needs the battery to turn on?"
seipptastic: $#*(^%@(*^%&@#$(*^%(@#$
indieradioisdead: kldsfglkjshflgjhsdukyfhkgjsdhfg
indieradioisdead: sweet
seipptastic: also
seipptastic: i just tested the phone
That sounds frustrating, but in a fun way.
My job is frustrating but not in a fun way.

I set up a database program for like 7 people to enter contact information & stuff on. All the people (including me)went to off-site training for this system like 4 months ago, the program cost us thousands of dollars, and it took me 2 months to set the thing up and migrate all the old data over and shit. Now this morning, our IT trainer had to hold a 2-hr training session for them AGAIN because they haven't used the thing AT ALL over the past 4 months since it was finished and didn't know what the fuck to do. Waste of time on everyone's part.

Sorry. I bitch. I whine.

This thread needs a picture of Bjork on roller skates.
Josh, Tim is meeting me at Leo's, so you don't have to do a sympathy-rendezvous if you don't want to. We'll probably just talk about NESE and Coldplay and other gay things anyway.