WiszdomStone - Rise


Radioactivist Mutant
Jan 17, 2006
Post-Apocalyptic Tennessee
My absolute favorite purchase of the show. Thanks Lance for distributing this and for having some on hand at the table.

I simply stumbled upon it at the Nightmare website a couple of days before the fest while planning what to buy there in person. The samples had me hooked, and the CD followed through with what the samples portrayed it to be... solid and more!!.

This is one of those albums (man I'm old, yes I used that word again) that doesn't contain any skip tracks, imho. I like every song on it. To me, they are each different enough in style and tempo to avoid that cookie-cutter sound, yet are consistent in a good way.

Thanks to the drummer for wearing the band shirt so I could actually spot him on Saturday, shake his hand, and thank him for an excellent effort. And yes, I did make my friends listen to it on the drive back to Nashville Sunday, so hopefully that will translate into a few more copies sold and new fans created in middle Tennessee. :)
The band's debut release is also very solid! Not to mention, Ray and the other guys in WiszdomStone are all super nice and great folks to talk to. (They are usually around at ProgPower.)

"Rise" was on my list of items to try to pick up this weekend, however, our budget and the fact that we got back to the merch room too late on Saturday night while everyone was packing up caused me to miss out on this great pick. I'm kicking myself in the ass now for this one. :cry:
That's great to hear. Ray is a dear friend of mine. He drove 14 hours just to be there! One of the nicest guys you will ever talk to :)