Worst Crowd Reaction you've witnessed

At BARFest II, it wasn't the entire crowd, but one old dude up front who kept telling Zero Hour to get off stage so Liquid Tension Experiment could start. I was pissed because Zero Hour only ended up playing for like 30 minutes.
Two I remember had everything to do with getting an opening band that had nothing to do with the headliner.

One was at an ELP concert in the 80s. The hair band Hawaii opened. Their entire set was non-stop yelling from the crowd to get off the stage.

Another was some goth band opening for Marillion. They really were awful. Anyway. Crowd seemed opened to the idea till after the first song. Then it was heckling the rest of the set. Tons of applause when they announced their last song.

There have been others, but those are the ones that came up first.
^ One time I was at a Symphony X show in their early touring days and there was barely anyone there. I happened to be wearing a Dream theater shirt at the show. Some guy next to me was a major DT fanatic and was yelling - loudly - at the band to play a Dream Theater cover song. Which of course was just dumb. He was yelling "Cover some Dream Theater!" repeatedly between songs and during the quiet parts of songs, loud enough that all of us and the band had to hear it. Of course when the Symphony X guys were looking into the crowd to see who was being obnoxious, I'm sure they were seeing my DT shirt and assuming it must be me. So I was trying to deftly move through the crowd away to get away from the obnoxious guy.
I went to see Judas Priest at Acer Arena in Sydney a few years back. Cavalera Conspiracy were meant to open for Priest, but rumour had it that the promoter cancelled them due to them being too heavy/intense or whatever. In any case they replaced them with 'Electric Mary'. The singer came out and stated "We're Electric Mary and we're as heavy as plastic!". Needless to say the crowd didn't appreciate the band whatsoever and continued to boo for their entire set. Here's a taste....

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Bullet For My Vallentine didn't go over that well opening for Maiden. The worst was some local blues guy opening up for Jethro Tull in 1997. He got heckled but sadly played for a full hour.
hahahahaha I was just going to post mine....TUBRING back in thier early days. They opened up for SNFU ( a classic punk band). Literally the whole crowd turned on them after 1 song. They tried to fight back with insults but we out numbered them. It was a blast though.

hahaha That's funny... They insulted us too! The singer even spat on a dude's head..
My friend (a female) cursed him out after the spitting incident...After that she was his target for the rest of the night... He even laid on top of the keyboard and pretended he was fucking it... While doing it, he was looking at my friend and pointing at the keyboard saying "Hey, this is you".... hahah asshole.
Justin (Dustro25) will probably agree with me on this one.

Poughkeepsie, NY - 2004 I think... James LaBrie played 3 solo shows... that was actually the night I met some of the Seattle/Chicago posse. Anyways, one of the openers for James LaBrie at the chance was this Motorhead-ripoff band consisting of a bunch of fat old dudes playing shitty songs and calling themselves speed metal... what a bunch of tools they were! All I remember is that a good portion of the crowd was flipping them off about their songs, all stupid. I remember one of the choruses going "More Beer!" Anyways, at the end of their set, Justin was actually engaged in a heated argument with their guitarist from the floor. Funniest moment was one of their wives joined in and said "They did very good, better than you little kids would ever do!" Justin's reply: "Excuse me, I have a degree in music. What they played wasn't music. It was shit!" :lol::lol:

The worst is when the bands can't take the fact they suck and engage into arguments, fights, etc. with the crowd. I hope those guys never played another show in their lives...

More Beer!! over and over and over again! Oh my it never ended. Nobody cheered for them only the fat wives in the front row. The main argument I remember from one of the wives was that they were better and had more talent than the headliner! Woah! Thats when I was done. I think it was John who was talking the most smack. :lol: oh and for the record I don't have a official music degree. Just one in metal snobbery:cool:
The Cult opened for Metallica at Popular Creek....they got patches of dirt and grass tossed at them and anything that wasnt nailed down. People were booing non stop and they walked off stage a few songs early.
2) Trouble on the Slayer / Danzig tour in 1988 @ The Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. Back in the late 80's, NO band opening for SLAYER stood a chance. Trouble got boo'd VERY hard, and the "SLAYER" chants from the crowd were louder than the band themself. I have read a couple interviews over the years with Slayer members where this has been brought up, where as TROUBLE fans themselves, they couldn't believe how strong their fanbase was to boo a hometown band like that. Granted, this was when TROUBLE first drastically changed their sound which didn't help matters much.

Very true. While they weren't opening for them, I remember an interview with Portnoy where he mentioned how they had to follow Slayer (probably on the festival) and it was the worst experience ever and he actually wanted to quit DT after that. Slayer definitely is a tough band to play with.
The Cult opened for Metallica at Popular Creek....they got patches of dirt and grass tossed at them and anything that wasnt nailed down. People were booing non stop and they walked off stage a few songs early.

Yeah, I couldn't even imagine how hard they got boo'd.

People don't realize how one-sided things were back then.

You were either into thrash, or "everything else" , and "everything else" SUCKED!!!! :lol:
Very true. While they weren't opening for them, I remember an interview with Portnoy where he mentioned how they had to follow Slayer (probably on the festival) and it was the worst experience ever and he actually wanted to quit DT after that. Slayer definitely is a tough band to play with.

I have told this story here before.
The bathroom at the Aragon after that show looked like the cover to MOB RULES. It was seriously one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.
I can't say I recall any super bad ones where the band just had to get off the stage, but I would say Icarus Witch when they opened for Dianno definitely had a number of haters in the audience.

The only other one I remember is people hating Darkest Hour a few years ago. I don't remember what tour though, just that it was at HOB Chicago. It might have been At the Gates but I'm not positive. There definitely were a number of boos though.
1986 or '87 (too lazy to look it up)...WASP, Slayer, and Raven at Memorial Coliseum in Corpus Christi. It was the Inside The Electric Circus tour. Raven was great...then the Slayer chants started. Slayer comes on with 2 white upside down crosses and a wall of Marshalls, sharp contrast to the circus atmosphere that would follow with WASP. Never been much of a Slayer fan, but it was my first time to see them, I was not moving from my 3rd row position, and I was prepared for a rowdy crowd while I patiently waited for WASP.

Obviously, the crowd was into it...it was Slayer for chrissakes, but one goofy interlude still sticks in my mind:

Araya: Are you into sex!!??
Araya: Are you into death!!??
Crowd: Uhh...kind of....yaaaa.....
Araya: Well, if you're into sex and you're into death...you must be a necrophiliac!
Crowd: Uhh...[awkward silence]

...then the riffs kicked in and everything was normal again...my god, Corpus is lame!

Also saw Type O Negative get booed off the stage opening for Rush at the Frank Erwin Center in Austin on the Counterparts tour. They were visibly frustrated at the crowd response and just kinda shrugged and gave up after 20 minutes.
Haha, I was thinking the same thing.

I was at the At the Gates tour stop here in 2008, and Darkest Hour weren't actually getting booed but the place emptied out big time for their set. They played to a smaller audience than the two bands that played before them (Toxic Holocaust and Municipal Waste).

In 2009 for the Hate Eternal/Unearth/Cannibal Corpse/Hatebreed show, I was up front for Hate Eternal. After they ended and the crowd noise died down, some kid straight up told Erik Rutan, "You guys sucked!" when he was packing his gear up right in front of him. Erik turned around and gave him a sarcastic grin and said "thanks man!"
Sticking with the Slayer stories, I saw Slayer open up for W.A.S.P. back in 1987 at the Capitol theatre in Passaic, NJ. After Slayer destroyed the place; during WASP's set Slayer appeared at a large window which was located at the side of the stage way up high with beers in hand to salute the crowd. The Slayer chants completely drowned out what WASP was playing. It was epic.

Another one that comes to mind is Waysted opening for Maiden in 1986 at the Meadowlands in NJ. I remember someone threw an M-80 onstage not only during Waysted's set but Maiden as well. Bruce went off on the guy quite nicely. I also remember some cars got overturned and set on fire in the parking lot.

And lastly when Metallica opened for Ozzy also in 1986 at the Meadowlands I remember the sinks and toilets getting ripped out and the entire concourse being flooded the whole night. And during Ozzy's set the crowd ripped out all the seat cushions and started throwing them around the arena. You could barely see the stage there was so much flying debris. Ozzy had to stop playing after an hour because it was so insane. That was NY/NJ back in the day.
Echoes of Eternity Headlining show with Unexpect and 2 other bands Jan. 13 2008 - The Mad Hatter - Covington, KY

By the time EoE hit the stage, myself and 2 other guys were the only people remaining from what i remember. Echoes still played like there were 300+ people though. Much respect to them.