Worst metal albums of all time

The top 10 worst metal albums?

1-5. Anything from System of a Down
Because System of a Down is a travesty to metal. It's stupid, they don't seem like they take the music seriously at all, they're overrated, and the music as a whole is just plain annoying.

6 Metallica - St. Anger
Where do I start? Oh, I know! No guitar solos, Lars Ulrich's Trash Can- I mean Snare Drum, James Hetfield sounds like a constipated Trucker, and Bob Rock.

7-10. Slipknot's discography
You'd think 9 members would be able to make some really good metal, especially when they have an amazing drummer, and a pretty good singer, but they emphasize way too much on the "You mean nothing to society, so kill yourself" aspect of metal. I don't know if it's the fact that they're so generic that they're not, but there's someting about them that really pisses me off. 2 drummers? A Keg Player who does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING? I really can't put my finger on it, but Slipknot REALLY REALLY pisses me off sometimes.
Ptah Khnemu said:
"You mean nothing to society, so kill yourself"
Can you give a specific example of this or are you making it up? There's way worse than KoRn/Slipknot too - I'm guessing many people who label them as such haven't listened to much of their music. I'm probably biased because I used to listen to both but at least they're melodic and a good starting point for people to get into metal. KoRn's earlier stuff I still don't mind (though don't listen to) and some Slipknot I still don't mind listening to. (SIC) is a good angry song and the latest album has some good variety in it (a couple acoustic songs for example).

As for the actual topic, it's probably a hard one as people just don't listen to metal they don't like. Most disappointing would probably be easier. Some I just thought of are all Machine Head albums between Burn My Eyes and Through The Ashes of Empires. They're not bad, just pale in comparison.

edit: oh here's a pretty bad one:

Meshuggah - Catch 33
Heard good things about them so downloaded this album and thought "wtf?" It wasn't very melodic and the first 5 or so tracks sounded almost the same...
I was serious. But the reason I said Slipknot above other bands is because with 9 members, they still can't make good music, whereas some bands have 3 members and still manage to produce some kickass metal.
No the fact that a band compsed of 9 people can't make good music. They have some okay songs, but IMO, for every okay song, they have 2 that are shit.
And also the fact that one of their members is a Keg Player, and does absolutely nothing but hit a keg with a sledge hammer pisses me off also.
meisteh said:
So you were just talking out of your arse I take it. Slipknot is more "fuck everyone else" rather than "I should kill myself".

If they're "fuck everyone else" rather than "I should kill myself", then I suddenly feel I like them much more and I actually think they're really really cool with all those masks and stuff and the really really good music they put out. I want to be a proud member of the Slipknot society. I want to revolute and fuck everyone else except myself and LORDI (cos they wear masks too and thus are cool man). Dude, you really know how to persuade someone. Thanks for getting me on the right path, for I hath straineth.

Anyway, the worst metal albums I can think of right now are:
1. Iced Earth - The Glorious Burden
2. Judas Priest - Demolition
3. Machine Head - Supercharger (I was never really a fan but this one sucked too bad imo)
4. King Diamond - Abigail II (Why destroy such a fine link to the past with a "II"?)
5. In Flames - Soundtrack to your escape
6. Metallica - St. Anger

...can't think of more right now
Yikes, some harsh words for KoRn and Slipknot up there. I happen to enjoy some of Slipknot's stuff...and I actually love Duality, that song is just flat out kick ass. And what does having 9 members in a band have anything to do with them producing bad music? It's just as easy for 1 or 100 people to write shitty music.

As for albums I don't like:
St. Anger was a big let down
That's all I can really think of at the moment
I hate Dragonforce, just because it's so goddamn monotonous. Too many of their songs sound alike.
yeah, i was curious about that as well. probably should elaborate.

Also, i'll go ahead and say metalcore as a genre. Honestly, i liked Frail Words Collapse by as i lay dying (sold it in the end though... i think... yeah, don't see it on the cd shelf anymore) but after that it lost all appeal. I can go for a band like Cataract which is real boarderline, but still better than the ozzfest second stage this year.