Worst purchase/Disappointment


Aug 1, 2002
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Hey... since we have the "best purchase" thread, why not put up one with the Worst Purchases?

Mine was DEFINETLY the new Megadeth album... I don't know, I just didn't like it at all...

Another one that I was really looking forward for and ended up disappointed was Genius pt 2. Great musicians, but eh....

How about you people?
New Megadeth bad? wow, 1st person I've heard say that. I think that album is a monster for them. A good Peace Sells/RIP/Countdown mix. Easily better than World Needs A Hero, Risk & Youthanasia. I'm glad they got a classic sound back. I like every Megadeth album including the ones I mentioned above, but some are just not too "Megadeth-y" if you catch my drift.

I picked up Gemius part 2 but I haven't listened to it yet.
Leviathan's "Mastadon". I bought this one based soley upon a review and got burned. It's "supposed" to sound like old Metallica meets Rush, but it's nothing but thrash with gruffy, thrash vocals. If you like that genre, then this CD is for you.

I do love the artwork though! And a concept album based on Moby Dick is another great idea. It would be cool to hear a melodic power/prog metal band try to tell the same story.
I only bought the new enertia as I spent waaaay too much $$$ on booze. But I agree that the new Megadeth isn't all that but is better than Risk or WNAH. I'd say it's almost as good as Cryptic Writings but everything before that owns over System.

I'd like to 2nd the new In Flames. Big let down!! Soundtrack to your esca... zzzzzzz... huh? oh sorry.
New Balance of Power....HUGE disappointment from a pretty die hard Balance of Power fan. I've now given it 4 listens...I'm afraid it will soon be place in the collection likely never to return to the player again.
Heavenly Call said:
New Balance of Power....HUGE disappointment from a pretty die hard Balance of Power fan. I've now given it 4 listens...I'm afraid it will soon be place in the collection likely never to return to the player again.

Wow! "Heathen Machine" was a top three disc for me last year. Check into the new Pyramaze with Lance vocals. It's heavier than BOP, but if Lance is what you miss most with the new BOP, then the Pyramaze may be just what you need. GREAT disc.

I do love the new BOP vocalist!!!!
The Fiddler said:
Wow! "Heathen Machine" was a top three disc for me last year. Check into the new Pyramaze with Lance vocals. It's heavier than BOP, but if Lance is what you miss most with the new BOP, then the Pyramaze may be just what you need. GREAT disc.

I do love the new BOP vocalist!!!!

Damn you beat me to the punch!

I third, 4th, 5th that... Pyramaze was pretty much the big talk of the weekend!

If you do not own this album, why not?


I don't know, maybe it's cause Im not too big on Megadeth... But I'll give it a couple more listens to see if it grows on me... Who knows, right?
Of all the merch I bought at PP Andromeda II=I is the one that I've played least. I'm gonna give it a couple more spins before I pass judgement, but it hasn't lit a fire for me yet.
TheWhisper said:
Of all the merch I bought at PP Andromeda II=I is the one that I've played least. I'm gonna give it a couple more spins before I pass judgement, but it hasn't lit a fire for me yet.

That album rules.

For the guy above it's Mastodon's "Leviathan" not the other way around.

I bought Time Requiem for 5 bucks and I'm glad that's all it cost. 'Nuff said.
Maybe it just hasn't hit me yet, but I bought Symmetry's A Soul's Roadmap. After my first listen, I just wasn't that impressed. I had never heard them, but heard good things about them.

Usually, downloading music prevents me from buying something I don't like.

Steve in Philly
The fucking 'Metal Blast from the Past' dvd from Accept! I had been looking forward to this purchase for a while--but when they decide to do a 'voice over/interview' during the song Breaker on the concert portion of the dvd--plus other parts of the show--that blew it for me! Damnit!!
Soul_Schizm said:
Wow. Wayward Sons is the original SkyClad album. Most people I know love it. It's raw because their sound was still developing. But I still love that album.

Each to their own of course :Spin:
I will give it another chance :) I bought so many new CDs, haven't got time to listen to it all carefully...