Wow...Just discovered Enchant


Viking Metal God \m/
I got out of the Dream Theater show on Friday, (in san fran) and there was this guy handing out flyers. He hands me the flyer with "Enchant, DVD recording show on March 13 at Imusicast". He says, Dude if you like Dream Theater (I LOVE DT, my favorite band EVER,) you'll LOVE enchant.

So I goto their website, check out a couple tracks....the guy was right, I'm freaking HOOKED. I NEED CD'S! (reccomend me which best 2 guys!) I NEED MORE ENCHANT! :headbang:

I am SO going to that show. :hotjump: :Spin: :D :headbang:
Hey man, you can't go wrong with picking up their two most recent albums, "Tug of War" (2003) and "Blink of an Eye" (2002). If you wanted my opinion on their two best albums, go for "Blink..." and "Juggling 9 or Dropping 10" (2000).

On my web site I have reviews for all Enchant albums save "Tug...".

(btw, is it okay for me to feel some sour grapes that I, a fan of the band since the 1995 debut, will be missing the once-in-a-lifetime concert experience due to unfortunate cross-country logistics while some newbie living a quick drive away from the venue gets a flier the week before the show and is all set to take my place?? lol ... j/k ... hope you attend and enjoy it)

np: Ten - The Robe

Sweet, man - welcome to the ENCHANT fold! (and love that Family Guy gif you have - one of my favorite scenes!)

You are gonna be in for a great show - I can't wait - I'm flyin in with a buddy from South Florida.

As for cds, the latest TUg of WAR is AMAZING. Go out and also get Juggling 9 or Dropping 10 and BLUEPRINT OF THE WORLD. I alos seem to be one of the smaller handful that likes BREAK more than BLINK of an EYE but hey... everyone's different I guess!

See ya at the show! :headbang: :hotjump:

Welcome to the fold, KoolAid Man

I would get any two of their four best -- Blueprint, Juggling, Blink, and Tug. Getting all four would be best b/c they are all, with special thanks to Will Ferrell in Old School after bonging a beer, AWESOME.:dopey:

Only 5 days left, WOW
Hey Klondor! Welcome aboard the Enchanted forum! :) Glad you're going to make the show - you will NOT be disappointed! It is going to ROCK!!!

As for discs, I'd go for all of them! This is my order: Tug of War, then Blink of an Eye, then Blueprint of the World -- then back to Juggling 9 Dropping 10. then Wounded, then Time Lost, and then Break. :) ENJOY!!!!

Burke said:

I alos seem to be one of the smaller handful that likes BREAK more than BLINK of an EYE but hey... everyone's different I guess!

Well Dave, I'm also one of the ones that likes Break more than Blink Of An Eye.

Break and Juggling 9 Or Dropping 10 are one helluva 1-2 knockout punch.

But the difference in magnitude of my affection is marginal at best. They are all friggin good!

Oh..Klondor, if you think JP is a guitar master, just check out the guitar work on the song Seeds Of Hate from the Blink Of An Eye disc. It blows me away. By the way, you can watch that solo as it was played at Nearfest 2003 (?). Perhaps someone here can post the link to the video, I seemed to have lost it (!).

EDIT: Had to put on Seeds Of Hate because of this post! I'm in blissful heaven now!:headbang:

I too am new to this incredible band and just got Wounded in the mail--now I have 'em all. As you can tell this band doesn't have a best one, they're all superb. First must-buy should be Tug. It is probably the place to begin, even if it isn't the best one, everyone agrees it is great. BTW, these guys aren't nearly as heavy as DT (particularly Train of Thought which is insane), much more melodic, as if Train of Thought drove over Spock's Beard. Just to completely confuse you, I'll be the one who says Wounded is AWESOME! The other works took a couple of listens to get totally into, but I'm listening to Wounded right now for the first time and it ROCKS! Maybe I have just been totally sucked into the Enchant cult, but this is a damn fine effort! Also, up until today, of the others, which I have memorized now, believe it or not, I'm with Burke--Break was my personal favorite--the ending of Gavel sends shivers up my spine, killer vocals Ted!!!!
I dunno about comparing Doug Ott to John Petrucci. They are both really, really, really good. Petrucci's got the whole technical side down (listen to him tear his guitar up in Liquid Tension Experiment's second album), but Ott's got a very powerful musical sense as well...he just knows how to create a good tone, something akin to David Gilmour (who is my favorite guitarist of all time).
DiscoDave said:
I dunno about comparing Doug Ott to John Petrucci. They are both really, really, really good. Petrucci's got the whole technical side down (listen to him tear his guitar up in Liquid Tension Experiment's second album), but Ott's got a very powerful musical sense as well...he just knows how to create a good tone, something akin to David Gilmour (who is my favorite guitarist of all time).
Well said DiscoDave!

Actually, those are my thoughts as well. David Gilmour is also one of my favorite guitarists. David Gilmour and Toni Iommi are two guitarists that put a lot of emotion into each slow note.

Very well said!
Hen Act said:
Speaking of guitarists...I just got my first listen to the ending of 'Missing' on Wounded
...who says Doug can't WAIL?!?
Well, not intending to hijack a thread but...

Among other things, Doug does two things particular well that just puts me away.... sustaining notes, and fading out.

Toni Iommi and David Gilmour are the best two that also do that, Doug is an extremely close 3rd ... for me.
For me, no one will ever top Steve Rothery in the department of hitting and holding notes. That man can absolutely paralyze me with the grace and emotion he pours into each split second of fretwork. [see Misplaced Childhood]

Hen Act, you said you had every album now? That include Time Lost?

np: silence
DT Jesus said:
[see Misplaced Childhood]

My daughter's name is Kaileigh. So yea.. Marillion has had an impact on my life.

You know... it's just too damn hard to say I have a favorite musician, there are just so many that could fit the bill.

My wife didn't like the spelling of Kayleigh, but I had waited 8 years and was damn determined to have a daughter of that name. So.. I found a variation.
DT Jesus you got me. I don't have Time Lost and I have heard it is great. So I am not yet a fully Enchantified. BTW I've played Wounded 3X and MY GOD I love it. Why do so many consider it their weakest work?? Even the sound is better than I expected (vastly superior to Blueprint).