You know what sucks...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
... When you're sitting at work, on a very fucking cold morning, in which your testis and tits are shriveling up to fuckin penny size, and want hot tomato fucking soup. So you pull out your reserve can of fucking tomato soup you have sitting in a god damn desk drawer and put it in a bowl and put it in the fucking microwave to heat it up, pull out your trusty KFC spork and get ready to chow the fuck down. You then pull out the soup and get excited... Thats when the fucking phone rings and you swing your fucking chair in a counter clockwise motion, in which a little fucking thing sticking out of the back of the motherfucking chair knocks over your much wanted soup onto the dirty cement floor below it.

You tell the person on the phone about what he just caused and hang up, then go cry in a motherfucking corner.


The good news, with all the blizards around the state, no trucks are going to be arriving till later, so I have an entire morning of paid Tontie and CS1.6 playing.
The good news, with all the blizards around the state, no trucks are going to be arriving till later, so I have an entire morning of paid Tontie and CS1.6 playing.

Yes always look at the bright side of things. I am not really supposed to be on here while I"m at work, but I care so little about my job at this point nothing really matters. They are nazis who expect us to be robots.

I'll tell you some of the things they have said/done in the past few months with this new management.

Out personal days have went from 16 a year downt to 5. Every call in unexcused. They are no longer accepting Dr's excuses(which is illegal)

They actually said to us "if someone in your family dies, it would be wise to find someone to go to the funeral in your place"

They also told a co-worker of mine is she got pregnant she'd get fired.

They took away our ompany picninc, christmas and other holiday parties. We can't even put balloons on people's desks for their birthdays.

If you leave 15 minutes early they take a HALF personal day from you.

I could really go on and on, but I will stop now as to save a little bit of my sanity. BTW I work at IBM! (through Manpower)

Yes always look at the bright side of things. I am not really supposed to be on here while I"m at work, but I care so little about my job at this point nothing really matters. They are nazis who expect us to be robots.

I'll tell you some of the things they have said/done in the past few months with this new management.

Out personal days have went from 16 a year downt to 5. Every call in unexcused. They are no longer accepting Dr's excuses(which is illegal)

They actually said to us "if someone in your family dies, it would be wise to find someone to go to the funeral in your place"

They also told a co-worker of mine is she got pregnant she'd get fired.

They took away our ompany picninc, christmas and other holiday parties. We can't even put balloons on people's desks for their birthdays.

If you leave 15 minutes early they take a HALF personal day from you.

I could really go on and on, but I will stop now as to save a little bit of my sanity. BTW I work at IBM! (through Manpower)


Business is that bad for IBM? tell them they are going under, HP has crushed them, flip them the bird and go work for someone who can affoard to pay you
Wow, that blows...

I really could be out on the floor doing something right now... of course, tontie is funner than that.
know what sucks? sitting at work. i wish i was home with my own bowl of hot tomato fucking soup, wearing a hoodie and pajama pants playing the new fucking zelda or some call of fucking duty, but instead im sitting at work doing fucking nothing.
I have Final Fantasy 12 and Bully waiting at home for me to beat...

I also have much tomato soup.

And I'm half asleep...

i wanna go home too :(
Interesting, according to the radio traffic cunt, there was a large scale crash on Highway 36... creating a huge traffic jam... meaning, delays for all the workers who work here and any trucks who managed to stay on time...

This morning is just going too perfect.
... When you're sitting at work, on a very fucking cold morning, in which your testis and tits are shriveling up to fuckin penny size, and want hot tomato fucking soup. So you pull out your reserve can of fucking tomato soup you have sitting in a god damn desk drawer and put it in a bowl and put it in the fucking microwave to heat it up, pull out your trusty KFC spork and get ready to chow the fuck down. You then pull out the soup and get excited... Thats when the fucking phone rings and you swing your fucking chair in a counter clockwise motion, in which a little fucking thing sticking out of the back of the motherfucking chair knocks over your much wanted soup onto the dirty cement floor below it.

You tell the person on the phone about what he just caused and hang up, then go cry in a motherfucking corner.



Eric, if you were from Alabama, I would probably call you a hick for that post.
Oh if only I could hear this post with some nasty southern accent... wouldn't that be funny.

Sorry about your soup though.
Soup from a can is gross anyways, so you didn't lose anything.
*/me sends Home_Made_Soup.exe to Eric*
I haven't had homemade tomato soup in a very long while...

On a side note, I found Testaments The Gathering among a stack of CD's and it is now blasting throughout this side of the factory.
You know what owns? Being freelance and able to make your own schedule, work your own hours on your own terms, and be able to say bye at the drop of a hat.

But even still, IBM are pulling that shit on you? THE MILITARY doesn't even sink that low. Actually, the Air Force was pretty lenient and accommodating and (most of the time) had your best interest in mind.

Note to self: don't go work for IBM.

Tell them that they should be ashamed to be bought out by HP, who makes the crappiest computers on earth next to the old Packard Bells...which actually is one half of HP, LOL!
Yes always look at the bright side of things. I am not really supposed to be on here while I"m at work, but I care so little about my job at this point nothing really matters. They are nazis who expect us to be robots.

I'll tell you some of the things they have said/done in the past few months with this new management.

Out personal days have went from 16 a year downt to 5. Every call in unexcused. They are no longer accepting Dr's excuses(which is illegal)

They actually said to us "if someone in your family dies, it would be wise to find someone to go to the funeral in your place"

They also told a co-worker of mine is she got pregnant she'd get fired.

They took away our ompany picninc, christmas and other holiday parties. We can't even put balloons on people's desks for their birthdays.

If you leave 15 minutes early they take a HALF personal day from you.

I could really go on and on, but I will stop now as to save a little bit of my sanity. BTW I work at IBM! (through Manpower)


:OMG: Pretty soon they will demand you refer to them as Massa.
... When you're sitting at work, on a very fucking cold morning, in which your testis and tits are shriveling up to fuckin penny size, and want hot tomato fucking soup. So you pull out your reserve can of fucking tomato soup you have sitting in a god damn desk drawer and put it in a bowl and put it in the fucking microwave to heat it up, pull out your trusty KFC spork and get ready to chow the fuck down. You then pull out the soup and get excited... Thats when the fucking phone rings and you swing your fucking chair in a counter clockwise motion, in which a little fucking thing sticking out of the back of the motherfucking chair knocks over your much wanted soup onto the dirty cement floor below it.

You tell the person on the phone about what he just caused and hang up, then go cry in a motherfucking corner.




You have tits?
Tell them that they should be ashamed to be bought out by HP, who makes the crappiest computers on earth next to the old Packard Bells...which actually is one half of HP, LOL!

hahaha my first 95 machine was a packard bell, if poop were a computer, it would have a packard bell sticker on it.

but i run an all HP operation over here, 2 old Compaq servers (still alive and kicking), 4 HP Blades, and the desktops are all HP business desktops. The Servers kick ass but the desktops blow hard
Yeah, HP is like Italy: they make awesome cars like Ferraris and pieces of shit like Fiats. The HP peripherals such as printers, monitors, etc. I've noticed are quite good and last a long time. It's the desktops that everyone's had problems with.