Your thoughts on the new Dream Theater


May 14, 2007
Well, the new DT album is out and I was wondering what you guys/girls think of their new album.

What are your highlights and/or which song(s) didn't you like....etc?
Dream Theater's one of my two favourite bands so was looking forward to this a lot. I think it is a good album but it is not one of my absolute favourites by them (unless it grows on me a lot).

Illumination Theory is great though. A brilliant ambient then orchestral part in the middle which does make it a strange song to listen to, but I find that it works and really enjoy listening to it.

No other songs really blew me away though. Behind The Veil probably a distant second favourite - amazing intro and solo. No song is bad though so it's a good listen, but Surrender To Reason, The Bigger Picture etc. don't really stand out as great songs too much - good, but not great. Was slightly disappointed with Surrender To Reason as I'd heard a lot of good things about it before the album was released, but it feels really disjointed, with some good parts and others that I don't like as much.
I'm not a fan of DT anymore. I barely liked the phase post-SFAM, for example I found Systematic Chaos and Black Clouds awful. Dramatic Turn was a good record instead, and so does the new album. I would give it a 7 out of 10. There's no really weak song, but no masterpiece either. A good record with a decent songwriting and that's what I usually expect from them.
This album is incredibly 'meh'. I like False Awakening Suite and Illumination Theory, but I can't say I love those songs. I'm sadly not addicted to any section... Too bad, I thought the last album was pretty good (it aged well) and I had some relatively high hopes for what was to come. :(
I have listened to it only once so far and I liked it a lot. But it needs more spins - a lot more spins to unfold. And I would not want it any other way. "Behind The Veil" stood out most positive so far. After the Subsignal and Haken concerts next week, I will give it the attention it deserves. ;)
I think I agree with Frankgate in that there weren't really any amazing songs or weak songs. They were all pleasant, but personally I found there wasn't a lot to them. I heard them a few times and I knew them; I didn't find myself discovering any new things I didn't hear at first.
There's some great stuff on there. Illumination Theory, False Awakening, Enemy Inside, Bigger Picture, Looking Glass, all amazing. The other tracks are really good too. Only one I don't love is Behind the Veil.
I bought the CD out of loyalty, that stretches back to the first album in 1989.
I haven't enjoyed a album DT since Train Of Thought.
I think I played 3 songs and turned it off.
Nothing interesting at all, I don't think I will buying another DT studio album.
....Only one I don't love is Behind the Veil.

Funny, that's one of my favorites..!

It's an OK album for me. I really like a couple of songs, some are just OK and a couple of songs ('False Awakening', 'Enigma Machine') didn't grab me at all.
I used to like them, but I've since sold back my copies of their albums. I've just gotten kind of bored of their sound. The new album was alright