Zero Hour booked for Headway 2003

HELL YES!!!! I swear I'm psychic. I had just last week posted about ZH playing Europe and then just yesterday mentioned ZH should play Headway and HERE THEY ARE!

Bear I would take you with if I wasn't already here :)
We are soooo stoked to play the festival and we want to thank Dennis for treating us so great as always. We are just stoked that we'll get see all our friends again in Holland and hang out with Sun Caged, Loch (Teddy you the man) Vostok and Prototype and makes some new friends. We look foward to it and Please come to show, rock out and hangout with us.


P.S. To bad our brotha's and sister's Bear, Ralf, Zilla, Fata, Angela, PoO brotha's, Ray and the Philly crew, Darrin, Metal Dave, Mark, Henry "the drum kat", DJZH and crew, the list goes on and on. We wish you all could there with us and want to thank you all for supporting ZH.


P.S. I can't leave our best bud of all out, BUDDAH YOU ROCK and I had to give your own ZH shout out. Thank you for always being our biggest supporter, YOU RULE!!!!!
If i get back my old job soon (which I am expecting) I will be there!!!I got alot of online friends I need to meet as well, so hell why not go to that. Just waiting for something positive to happen concerning work, I will stay positive :headbang:


Plane tickets on Hotwire are cheap man. That would be freaking awesome if you go man. Plus we Co Headline with a band you dig, Freak Kitchen.

YOU RULE MAN and hope you make it.
Hey Dennis how cool would that be if you could get all the Americans in one hotel! There would definitly be some great partying then. You and Marcel have to be there too so we can get Eric drunk.

Originally posted by Bear
If i get back my old job soon (which I am expecting) I will be there!!!I got alot of online friends I need to meet as well, so hell why not go to that. Just waiting for something positive to happen concerning work, I will stay positive :headbang:


Hey Bear that's kick ass man. Looking forward to meet you
Same here Bear, I've told you a zillion times I have to meet you and I need a huge HUUUUUUUGGGGGGG from you, for real!!!!!

And duh... it will be awesome to hang out with my beloved Tipton boys again!!!!! And let's not forget my oooold pal Henri (been awhile hun) and Dave and the Sunny Caged and and and............ :) :D
Marlies maybe you could pick Bear up from the airport? I offered to but then I had to take it back because my wife can't get off of work early enough. Besides your alot closer than I am and you wouldn't want to let him down would you :)

Jersey Dave
Great! I just didn't want to leave Bear hanging at the airport with no ride. Besides most people in the Netherlands speak English anyways.

With all of these American's we definitely need our own hotel! :headbang:
Hmm, I will have to try to come to see this show. I'm fairly new to ZH and I've only heard Eyes of Denial, nothing from Towers of Avarice, but what I've heard I think is fantastic.
April is far enough away for me to try to come to see this show. It sonds like a pretty fantastic line up.
I'm fairly new to ZH and I've only heard Eyes of Denial, nothing from Towers of Avarice, but what I've heard I think is fantastic.

Well than you better pick up "The Tower of Avarice"! It's readily available most anywhere and it's got that unique ZH sound to it as always. Besides isn't it a hell of alot better to know the songs before you seen them live? That way you can headbang and go all out for every note. :headbang:

69 days and counting until ZH once again rocks Europe!!!

Jersey Dave

p.s. The Dude ALWAYS abides... great avatar
Jasun & Troy be sure to bring some Death Machine cd's with ya. remember how well the sales went last time we met?

:edit: I just ordered our tickets. It's gonna be great to see you guy's again! :headbang: