Bathory and Enslaved fans.


Metal Keyboardist
Feb 2, 2002
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I want to get a CD from each of these bands but I dont know which one to get. If you like either one of them, please reccomend me an album and say why you like it. Thanks.
Enslaved - I'm partial to their split with Emperor ("Hordanes Land"). Aside from that, I'd go with either Mardraum or Frost.

Bathory - Blood Fire Death. Because your neck is highly overrated.
With Enslaved, I would get Eld. But for Bathory, it really depends. If you're going for a more black metal Bathory, then I'd really recommend Blood Fire Death but if you want the more epic, viking inspired Bathory.. then go for Blood on Ice or the newest two albums Nordland I and Nordland II.
I highly recommend 'Hammerheart' by Bathory; it's by far my personal favorite of the Viking Quorthon era.

As for Enslaved, you can tell by the already-varied recommendations that people feel differently about their releases. The early Enslaved stuff is definitely much more raw and blackish, then they began to become the bombastic, wickedly epic Viking band that many love, and I cannot comment on their newer releases b/c I haven't heard them yet, though I'm told they're decidedly progressive while retaining only a trace of Enslaved's epic, Viking roots.

I say get either 'Eld' or 'Frost,' my 2 favorites. Good luck and happy headbanging.
I don't like Bathory's "epic/viking" albums, so I recommend
"Under the sign of the black mark" and "the return"

As for Enslaved "viking ligr veldi", "frost", "eld" and "monumension" and perfect!
From Bathory, definitely get The Return. Metal doesn't get much more better than that. Unless you're one of those people who prefer glossy production over actual content.
For Bathory, I'd go with 'Twilight of the Gods'. The songs are better than the ones on 'Hammerheart'.

For Enslaved, go with 'Eld'. Easily their best.