Just saw KSE in Denver and was right up in front. First off, Phil did a good job and knew all the shit. Had heard that some of the earlier shows last month weren't so good. He was well caught up by when I saw them though and everything sounded great.

I was right in front of Joel for the duration right on the fence. His playing was very tight! A PA speaker was in the way and I couldn't see his rig. He was playing a Caparison while Adam was playing a Parker.

I could see Adam's rig though. A Fender on top then a ATA case with two amps in it. A Splawn(looked like a Quick Rod, I thought it was a plexi until I saw that it said Splawn on it) on top of a EVH 5150 III.

Have no idea what amps are on the album and honestly they didn't play much of the new stuff which I thought was odd. All the classics sounded amazing though.
Figured I'd clear as much as I could...
TEOH is quad tracked.
2 tracks dragon (into mesa traditional 412)
2 tracks 5150 (into vht fat bottom)
the dragon replaced by the cobra for rose of sharyn as we all know.

Also Adam D's evh 5150 III was a back up and never used live once... he has quickly and recently switched out the bottom position of his case for a mesa roadster... and as you can see from this picture taken from rock on the range 2010 he's using the roadster for this show (and maybe more who knows) and not the nitro.


Adam D uses a boss ns2 pedal with his maxon od808 in the Boss NS2's loop. and he uses an ISP decimator pedal (the normal chrome one) in the Splawns' effects loop (gating the front of the amp and the effects loop for dead silence when he doesn't play)

Also.. Joel and Adam switched both to 81's in the bridge for a while now... for adam it's been ever since he started with parkers and for joel he started back on the 81's in the bridge during 2008.
but recently Adam has been using a green prs custom 22 live with the stock PUPS... could be Joel's from the AOJB days!

Also here is Joels' current rig.
The splawn nitro is what's used for dist... a fuchs clean machine combo for cleans (not visible) and the fuchs viper is a backup

Nitro settings are even visible...
resonence almost 9
presence none
bass full
middle 2 and a half
treble 4
solo 4
volume just under 2
gain 6

for the isp decimator pro rack g channel 1 threshold on exactly 9 oclock and the channel 2 threshold on 10 oclock and for those who don't know about the dec pro rack g channel 1 is designated for in front of the amp, and channel 2 for the effects loop but channel one has got 3 in out buttons that do various things, and channel 2 has also got 2 in out buttons that we obviously can't see which are pushed in and which are out. to be honest though the decimator pro rack g has a little red on power light that we should be able to see in the picture and i can't see it so maybe it's off and joel's back to using the Boss NS2... but then again we know for a fact that the furman power conditioner has to be on and you can barely see its on light in the picture so he's probably still using the pro rack g. (the pro rack g was given to Joel as a birthday present from gainzilla if anyone cares)

also you can see there's no mics up to the cab, that's the monitor cab for stage volume (and for the kids front row who can't hear the PA speakers) and he's got a 2nd cab off side stage facing towards the side of his cases that has got mics up to it! (as does Adam)

Here's butt hole with his or Joel's PRS

When KsE are overseas which they are currently they have overseas Splawn nitro rigs.Adams' overseas nitro is identical to his North American one but Joels' overseas Splawn is a white Plexi headshell with gold trimming.


Joel's (can't see very well sorry)

Joel and Adam's nitros are KT88 loaded and Adam usually drinks corona where Joel will chug Bud Lights. haahah.. you know you're at a KsE show when the roadies come out to stage left with a case of corona and stage right with a case of bud light hahahah

Adam and Joel have been using nothing but Splawn Nitros live (besides the south american tour) since the day they got them in 2008 (excluding Adam starting to use his roadster again)

Here is the last rig Adam D used before his big switch over to Splawn.

Roadster is being used, triple rec is back up... back when that photo was taken Joel's setup was almost identical except he had 2 roadsters and no triple rec... Adam's signal chain being Guitar - boss ns2 - roadster with the maxon od808 in the loop of the NS2 and his DBX gate in the roadsters fx loop for the double gated dead silence effect. just call me the KsE archive.

even in all these pictures we've seen I know that everyone of em has a maxon od808 in the rig somewhere... I just know... but you can only see one maxon in any of the pictures (adam's overseas rig... noticed the maxon backwards because of the cabling to have it in the NS2's loop?)

sorry for the old thread bump!
Here's a clip of adam d's KT88 nitro... (with the maxon od808 and the boss noise suppressor in front... and the isp decimator in the loop) mesa stiletto (traditional) 412 and his Parker fly using the bridge PUP (EMG 81) (this was before the PRS... and the parker dragon fly... just this parker fly you see here...)

and here's the clip D tone.mp3
(all sounds taken from the 3 live bonus tracks from the self titled 2009 deluxe edition)
K Odell how do you know this? I'm not trying to come off as a dick or anything I'm just curious.... sorry I hate talking to people on the internet it's hard to let emotion or tone of voice come through a friggin keyboard.
I was guestlisted for a few shows here in NC. Got to check out their rigs during breakdown after the show. Now that i think of it those were Adam's triple rec settings, but I don't think the roadster was far off from that, if not the exact same.

EDIT: there is also a picture of his settings floating around on the web from that same tour.