Recent content by Arjun_M

  1. A

    Who would like to see a new Testament video?

    I'd like a video too...I'm willing to provide a script.
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    Riot Act 2007– Mumbai, India

    Here's my review of Riot Act 2007, which happened a week ago in Mumbai. It has come a little late, as it only was published today.
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    Sepultura coming: And Testament?

    It's been a really long time since I last posted here. Just a few weeks (almost two months ago), I had been to as many as four rock concerts in my city, and if the scene is anything to go by, the fans here thrive on thrash and death metal. Lots of bands influenced by Slayer (one too many), a few...
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    Your favourite song on "The New Order"

    Difficult choice- I'd say it won't be Preacher or the instrumentals.
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    Anyone into Testament should check this out

    Has anyone heard of the Indian band Brahma? They too play a lot like Testament and have recorded a few albums, and also toured Europe a few times.
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    Fans from India/Street Team

    In an event known as Great Indian Rock, there was a guest act from the US known as Lefty. Of course, Testament are a far bigger name than this band, but one can imagine the kind of response they would get in Mumbai or Delhi. The reason I mention these places is that the rock scene there is full...
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    Hey what Testament CD should I get?

    Usually, the Ritual is a good album for a first-time listener, although if you're heavily into old-school thrash, New Order is a good choice. I would suggest these two. Practice What You Preach is one that got the band many fans, though you can save it for later. Avoid Legacy- it's a little too...
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    WOW, the homepage

    This is news........I have been out of touch with Testament (except in the recent past) and especially Anthrax, so I had no clue that both bands had gone back to their most famous lineups.
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    Demonic- distortion

    Well, there were three 'underground' albums I bought on tape, including this one-Sepultura- Against- Excess base, weak, muffled cymbals. Recorded on Roadrunner's Indian connection, Music IndiaJudas Priest- Demolition- One side keeps cracking up at regular intervals- it happened on first play...
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    Snaps from the past

    Thanks. Lots of live pics and photo session snaps. Video screenshots are a lot harder to find.
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    Fans from India/Street Team

    On Channel [V], part of the STAR (remember them? the frontrunners of cable TV in India) group, there was this show called the House of Noise, hosted by Vishal Dadlani (heard of him?), the extra-dramatic vocalist from Pentagram. I saw the video of Return to Serenity (what else?) on that show...
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    Demonic- distortion

    If you own a copy of Demonic, have you noticed the heavy distortion on every track? Bass seems heavily blown out of proportion, the guitars are not clear, you hear the buzz and scratches. The same problem was there with Sepultura's Against.
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    Snaps from the past

    These days, whenever I look for Testament pictures, I only find those taken a week or two months ago. I can't find snaps from the past easily. Can any of you post links to those pics from the 80's and early 90's, or even compressed pictures?
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    Fans from India/Street Team

    Is this forum rarely visited? Very often, I find I'm the only member on this page! Testament would be a big hit here in India, particularly in Mumbai, where the choice of music is very aggressive and loud. Fans like bands like System of a Down (ugh!), Sepultura, Rammstein, NIN, Metallica and...
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    Fans from India/Street Team

    I can do so as long as fans are interested. Hopefully we'll hear of the Legions of India rather than a single legionnaire. That's why I'd like to know of the Street team or E-team, and what I can do to get more fans.