Search results

  1. redfly

    Dave Lombardo Back In Testament!

    He's back! Bring on new music! :headbang:
  2. redfly

    Where is the Testament Website?!

    Where is it?! 3 weeks after the album is out and it's still in maintenance mode?!! It should have been ready to go the second the album dropped. This is beyond ridiculous!
  3. redfly

    Greg Christian

    New upload from Greg! :headbang::headbang:
  4. redfly


    Slayer is retiring. Time to step up the assault!!!
  5. redfly

    Classics Reborn

    It's been a longtime coming. For all things awesomely metal A very cool interview with James
  6. redfly


    Merry Christmas 2016 Thrashers! One more down. Now go have fun and be safe!
  7. redfly

    Awesome Job On New Testament!!!

    Hi Steve! I just wanted to say that you've done a great job on Brotherhood Of The Snake! I think that only a true bass god could do what you did in the time you had! I'll be digesting this album for a longtime! Are you happy with the levels? I mean the bass could always be louder right? lol
  8. redfly

    R.I.P. Nick Menza

    I'm just blown away here. This makes me extremely sad. What a great man and musician. I was fortunate enough to talk to him a few times on gplus. He was very gracious . And I weep for what could have been. A true legend of our community...
  9. redfly

    Death Remasters

    Can anyone tell me if the remasters are true to the original, not like say the Megadeth remasters? :)
  10. redfly

    New Flotsam And Jetsam song!

    Starts off with an interview. the song starts at 22:26 Like Maiden on Speed..and the song is called Iron Maiden Thanks to Neptune for the heads up!
  11. redfly

    Steve! :)

    Hi Steve! Can you please do whatever it takes to make the bass on the up coming Testament album as clear and loud as possible? It's a crying shame how quiet the bass has gotten in some of my favorite bands. I loved how you could hear the bass so well on all the early records. Testament has been...
  12. redfly

    Fun with Metal!

    This thread is for sharing all the hilarious things that have gone on in the metal world over the years. :)
  13. redfly


    Two Drummers Enter. One Drummer Leaves... Okay Not Really But It Would Be Pretty Metal! ;) But Seriously, We Can't Forget Our Drummers! Our Bringers Of Thunder! :headbang: Neptune
  14. redfly


    The song Name Game. To Play simply post a song using at least one word from the title of the previous post. Souls Of Black - Testament
  15. redfly


    Got some kick ass guitar or bass to hear? Some shred you just have to share? This is the place. Home vids welcome! I'm starting off with this..for obvious reasons lol A great cover of a master shredder by one of todays best. And I just found this and I think it's appropriate to start this...
  16. redfly

    Legions In Hiding?

    Hey! where is everybody?! Where's the legions?! Sign in thrashers! Show us the horns!
  17. redfly


    HAPPY 53 CHUCK! One of the best frontmen ever! :worship::worship:
  18. redfly

    Trouble with BluRay?

    Hey all, I have bought two copies ( separately ) of the new bluray from amazon and neither of them worked in my Playstation 3. It didn't just mess up it was like there was nothing there at all. I haven't had any problems like this before. I even have the Testament bluray from Germany and it...
  19. redfly

    Greg To Make announcment.

    I hope he has some cool bass thing coming out! HA! I joined in 2005 and it's my 2005 post lol
  20. redfly

    Nuclear Blast Year End Poll

    Pretty self explanatory....Vote For Testament :Spin: