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  1. Kristian Niemann

    Metal mix - feedback wanted

    Hey peeps, long-time lurker, first-time poster here! Im just getting into mixing so Im a total noob at this so I though this would be a great place to ask for feedback. The song is just a mish-mash of different Priest-songs so never mind that. Id just love some critical opinions on the mix...
  2. Kristian Niemann

    Update Aug 2011

    Hey there, all three of you :) Just a short info on the "WhatthefuckisupwithyouguysandwhycantwebuythenewCDyet?" situation and to explain WHY NOTHING SEEMS TO HAPPEN, DAMNIT!: -- We have a new singer. It just didnt work out with Caligula timing-wise. That can happen. No hard feelings, we all...
  3. Kristian Niemann, really!!

    Hello there. Sorry for the non-activity here in the last year or so but there hasn´t been much to report in the Demonoid camp and the progress of the new record. BUT...that will hopefully change soon (heard that one before eh?) ;-p We are currently here: * All guitars (except some...
  4. Kristian Niemann

    Update - jan 5 ´09

    Hi all! Happy Xmas/Hanukka/whatever-you-celebrate & merry new year and all that good stuff. Updates have been few and far between the last couple of months and recording has been on hold because sort of got in the way. The family moved in November and it took just about two months...
  5. Kristian Niemann

    Another damn update? Where´s the ALBUM???

    Heyyyyyy there dear friends! Sorry for the lack of updates. Been busy recording...duuuh! Bass and rhythm gee-tars are now DONE. Theyre fat n ugly. And hevvi. Really hevvi. Next up is vocals and some additional guitar-sweetening in the form of clean stuff, melodies and solos. Thank you all...
  6. Kristian Niemann

    Recording Update

    Hi y´all! I´ve already posted this exact statement in another thread but I figure I might as well start a new one: Just a quick update to let you in on the proceedings of this here new album. The drumtracking is complete and sounds MASSIVE! No fucking triggers, samples, soundreplacements...
  7. Kristian Niemann

    Drumrecording: updates from Ricky

    Ricky´s blogs on the drumrecordings of the new album, taken from the Demonoid Myspace page: -------------------------------- May 19th, First Day Hey Everyone! After a 90 minutes car drive, through the Australian bushland I arrived at Light Hill Studio. It is located in a very beautiful...
  8. Kristian Niemann

    Jacob: Hunger... chords

    Here are the basic chords for the clean solo (in standard tuning): If you play in C# tuning just transpose everything up a minor 3rd. F#m A B/D# D E F#m A E D E F#m A Badd9 D E F#m A E D E The rhythm you´ll have to figure out yourself :) Good luck! /kristian
  9. Kristian Niemann

    Demonoid coversong - any suggestions?

    Hi guys and gals! We´re probably gonna try to record the obligatory coversong to use maybe as a bonus track or something. Does anybody here have any ideas? Anything you´d like to hear us play? Love to hear your ideas! /kristian