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  1. S

    Using Guitar Pro to play drums directly in VST

    Using Guitar Pro to play drums directly in Addictive Drums ? (or any other instrument !) I was asked "why not just export the .mid?" and well, that's what I did for the last 15 years. -YES, Guitar Pro is very old :) But the purpose is to enable you to use it AS you compose in Guitar Pro, not...
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    Finally took my acoustic guitar to a luthier

    Well, been a long time since I posted something... this might be boring, or funny, the wine is good atm. :) I don't know if I'm the only one who never dealed with a luthier before, but after 17 years of playing and setting up my gear myself (thanks to mister Erlewine's books), I took my guitar...
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    The Voice Qc - Dude sings Necrophagist, gets chosen

    He never saw it coming hahah..
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    Music inspiration from working in factory ?

    Ok I'm weird to begin with, but I can't be the only one making beats in my head when hearing motors and squealing conveyor straps ? I dream of sampling a 725kV power grid 60Hz noise to make a synth. Trust me, you can feel the power in there ! So, any other weirdos ? Where do you work and what...
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    Anyone suffering from CTS ? (Carpal tunnels)

    It started over a month ago. Wakes me up at night and fuck, I use a screwdriver everyday at work. It's weird to tork screws with numbness in the fingers. I even have to climb in ladders, and the other day I was scared cause I thought my hand would let go of the bars as I felt electric shocks in...
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    Normal trembucker in soapbar hole ? Is there any adapter ?

    Hey, I want a pickup but they don't offer a soapbar version of it. A SD PATB-2b for 7 string (custom shop). What are my options ? I can't seem to find any info with Google, cannot find a normal pickup/humbucker in a soapbar hole, or anything about adapters/contours/etc It's to replace an EMG...
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    Reason 9 is coming

    Well well well, can't say I'm not excited by the new little devices. It's not because we can play instruments that we cannot enjoy candy tools, right ? And the "audio to midi" ... man. Fuck. YES! That's what I've been waiting for. I'm going to upgrade from 7. Other users here ?
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    Folder management : an example of automation

    Chronologically sorted folders, recorded files and DAW project files with a single click ? Those interested might find this pretty handy. It will create a dated folder with custom name and your DAW's default template. (Year-Month-day and 24 hour time). (If you don't use Reaper, just change the...
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    Cut my strings too short : trying a fix

    Yeah, was changing the strings for D'addarios and didn't notice they had two gold ballends and took the wrong one for the low B, noticed after two strings. Stores are closed here today so I'm trying this. I just hope the ballend won't snap/get ejected. Basically, just running the strings through...
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    Locking tuners to replace stock LTD JH.R1 (H-1007FR) ?

    I guess the JH.R1 is the standard LTD tuner... it's on a H-1007 Deluxe with a FR. Generic tuner you see on many guitars, 4 parts pieced like these : So I need a good locking tuner. The ratio doesn't matter cause I'm just gonna use them to speed up the string changes. Cut/lock in trem...
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    Acoustic guitar with a condenser mic and pickup

    So I'm recording acoustic guitar with a condenser mic and a pickup (B-Band A3T) on a stereo bus. As it is, I only hear the light plucked strings with the condenser, but when I hit the lowest string, right speaker dominates with the pickup. (I pan the condenser left, pickup right, and play with...
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    Reaper GUI issue (tracks)

    One of the few things annoying me with Reaper is the GUI. As with mostly everything else, it's probably a user-related issue where the noob needs to learn how to do something. Would you lend me a hand ? :) Trying to keep the text portion of the tracks, but I have to drag the side so much I end...