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  1. Conti

    Bodom Inspired Metal with an Alexi Tribute.

    Hey guys. Long timer here to share some new music my band is releasing today (actually a split.) While we aren't a Bodom clone I definitely let myself lean on those influences a lot more than I had in the past. I think some of you guys would really enjoy it. I re wrote one of my solo sections...
  2. Conti

    Listen to Conti's Band's Demo!

    Hey guys not sure how many of you that I know still troll around these forums but I thought I'd post this here for you guys to check out. Let me know what you think!
  3. Conti

    Mixing metal Bass to cut through

    Hello, we are getting a pretty good sound on our demo for guitars and drums but we're having problems getting the bass to cut through. When the bass is loud enough it overpowers the mix with low end, cutting the low freqs doesnt seem to do the trick. What should we do to get a bass tone to cut...
  4. Conti

    My Band opening for Nile in Baltimore

    You know the drill guys, any of you guys who are planning to come out to this show should contact my band Radamanthys for tickets. Just send me a PM! Also, anything interesting happen here recently ive been so out of the loop of this place for a while.
  5. Conti

    My Band Radamanthys

    Hey guys you may have heard me talking about my band. We recorded a rough demo and are putting it up for download so please check it out guys! We will be recording another demo in the winter which will be much better quality but we want to get our music out there so give it a shot...
  6. Conti

    Korpiklaani at Jaxx

    Anyone here going? My band Radamanthys is opening up this show and we can give better ticket prices once again!
  7. Conti

    Hypocrisy at the Jaxx

    Hey is anyone here going to their show with Ensiferum at the Jaxx? My band Radamanthys is opening up the show and we have cheaper tickets.
  8. Conti

    Anyone going to Ensiferm at the Jaxx?

    Hey guys, i'd thought this would be a good place to ask. My band Radamanthys is playing this show so let me know if you want cheap tickets. I can sell them for 20 even.
  9. Conti

    Any one going to Ensiferum at the Jaxx?

    Cause my band is playing so I gotz the cheaps tickets. Let me know.
  10. Conti

    So my friend posted a pic of me

    and this happened.. feel free to continue haha
  11. Conti

    Entire Nation Rick Rolled lol
  12. Conti

    Sweet 'n Sour Steve!

    I saw steve looking up at me when I was eating sweet and sour pork he rocks!
  13. Conti

    It was Lupus!

  14. Conti

    Car comercial

    are you guys mentioned in one? It's some commercial where they are telling the song to play artists and I swear at the end he said "Play Odin's Court" though I may have heard it wrong.
  15. Conti

    Nile Parody

    Well I was on a trip to NY and I heard some funny lyrics in this song without even trying so I felt I should finnally do another parody. Well here it is, the parody of the song Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten. For song of the vocals, they were really too low so I had to do something stupid instead...
  16. Conti


    Ok let me start this off by saying in no means am I trying to be disrespectful here even though I know I will get a lot of shit for writing this but I really am not trying to be an ass here. I went to the symphony X show last night and saw and heard you for the first time ( other then watching a...
  17. Conti

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Gallows: WARNING:SPOILERS

    well I don't know how many poeple read the books but this is the thread to discuss the book. I thought it was good, perhaps a little confusing at points. The only thing I am really confused about is what happened after Harry had sacrificed himself. Like how could he come back to life? can...
  18. Conti

    Diablo II

    anyone play? my name is Chx-Stabwound
  19. Conti


    FUCKING FUCK SHIT FUCK FACE SHIT Necorphagist arent fucking coming cause of immigration shit. they are coming back at the end of july SHIT.
  20. Conti

    CM Summer Slaughter

    Ill be going for sure to see The Absence, anyone else?