Diablo II

sorry I just started with my friendso i'm a noob. I'm in US East and the clan is Chx if that helps....

I can restart a dude t00, i'll ne lvl. 1. D'you play now? 'Cause I'll I'll join if you play right now.
edit: i don't have the expansion, I'm tr00 black m3tal old sk00l!
i playd on it i had a lv.80 Necro

Tobad i stoped playing it and my character retired....

but i can start over again :D ^^?

i have the Expansion also
OMFG, Conti i love you! That's my game and i was the sorceress chick. I have expansion too but never finished it.
fuck you all im the biggest addict here :lol:
Ive had numerous lvl 96's (never got to 97 though :erk:)
Had one of the best necromancers (summon, wtf :O) of d2jsp europe (anyone use d2jsp?) duel sheiße. Enigma + beast axe ftw :lol:
shit i miss d2, im gonna play again i think. Youre all USeast eh? :erk: Im not sure if im gonna go europe again or USeast. Ive got some mates on europe but hm :lol:

EDIT: Yeah im going USeast. Im gonna search my CD's (all 4 of them :erk:)
My Disc 3 of Diabl 2 is scratched so I cant install it, but I can see myself getting bored of it somewhere in Act 3 :p. My highest char was a 60sonthing barbarian, everytime I tried to re-play it, I got bored.

Its now only fun when playing with others.
Hehe, Noob conti. I am the friend he is playing with. For those who want to level quickly my channel (Clan ChX) offers hell chaos runs for the lvl 1's to leech in (of course full rush is needed beforehand). I just started the new ladder season but can be found on Chaos[Chx]@useast or Chx-Mario@azeroth.