A comment my daughter gave me while listening to Ghost...


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
So I had the latest Ghost album playing, and my daughter walked by and casually commented, "That sounds like Weird Al."

I could not refute that comment and it will be a struggle to forget, haha.
Haha, nice. I can sort of hear it.

Ghost was a band I never gave a shot because of their pictures wearing makeup and so on. Then one day I heard a good song in a record shop, and asked them who it was, surprisingly, Ghost. I felt it made me look dumb since they're such a well known group. Lesson learned, don't judge a band just because they decide to look like kiss meets slipknot and sing like weird al, lol.
I have always liked the songs I've heard by Ghost - but I get really turned off at blatant Lucifer/Satan stuff. Just a personal preference, same as I get really turned off with too much cursing in music. I could say the same about the over the top Christian stuff as well.

To me, there's so much out there that can be written about, and done intelligently, that it baffles me to see bands put so much into their "schtick".

Ghost are doing it damn well, and I realize it's more entertainment that beliefs, but the Satan still gets old for me. But, hey, the new album kicks a lot of ass, as do their previous ones. Great songwriting, performances, etc.

Here's my current fav from the new one:
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Funnily enough, that's the exact song I heard in the record shop lol. It must have been right after the new album was released. Thanks for posting it, now I know what it's called.

Yeah the "schtick" or "gimmicks" that some bands have turns me off initially but I realize it does help them get easy attention (see Slipknot or Marilyn Manson or etc). It's cool when a band rises above their gimmicks and makes great music as well.

Also agreed about the Satan lyrics stuff. I like the way Black Sabbath handles Satan, treating him as an evil figure from which to escape, or one that causes wars and is detrimental to us etc. He's like just another character in a story about the world. The lyrics from other bands that worship him I usually just turn off and listen to something else. I wouldn't listen to a bible lecture either to be fair. I turn off some of Trouble's songs that get too preachy.
"Mummy Dust" and "From the Pinnacle to the Pit" are amazing songs. Dat bass riff lol

I like the way they approach the lyrics. Even their most Satanic stuff isn't way over-the-top preachy. It's good stuff.

This is a top choice for me from Meliora. I love the lyrics:

Another great one:
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Ghost is basically "Satanic Blur" (Blur being the British rock abomination, if you didn't know) - funny for about 5 minutes then just goddamn annoying afterwards...

Witness the non-Satanic version of Ghost:

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Did any of you guys go with the ghost dildos and butt plug packages?

That's good stuff man, but you're entitled to your opinion.

On the other hand, Slayer does nothing for me personally. They have some good tunes but all in all, I never got the hard on for their stuff. There's my opinion volley :)
I listened to thise songs. Incredibly annoying. Without the gimmick no one would notice.

Imo of course.

Oh and slayer doesnt do anything for either
I've never really bothered with Ghost. Playing the videos in this topic is the most I've heard them.

What the fuck is that dildo box set? Is that a real thing? :lol: