Alright you fetid pieces of bulky white shit

I dont like the look of this....

Well, I'd just like to chime in and say that about 98% of the people on this forum are insecure juvenile faggots who think that they're the shit because mommy and daddy gave them the entire basement (or attic) and since they work at Wal Mart they have a sense of independence and accomplishment. Alas, this is an illusion, for most of you have never gotten laid, and if you have, you never got a stinky finger from a chubby stripper at a back alley dive. Most of you may have gotten "drunk" after a 6 pack of whatever snooty import or micro-brew your trendy fuckhead hipster friends told you was cool, but I'll bet none of you reprobates went on a 2 week drinking binge which started with Wild Turkey and ended with Scope mouthwash because you were running out of money. I'll bet some of you have gotten into fights, and even fewer of you have won them (no doubt disputes with class mates at high school over who gets sloppy seconds from the harlot who calls herself the captain of the prep squad), but has anyone ever beat the shit out of an elderly man because he won't quit chewing the fat with the Simeon cunt at the checkout counter when all you want to do is pay for your vodka and box cutter blades and get the fuck out of the supermarket?

Must not have much to do in Nebraska
I'm a fucking retard. I should just piss off and die. I'm a loser and a total poser when it comes to metal. I'm a candy ass faggot with no friends and I like taking it in the ass. I like to eat cheese and potatoes. I have eleven fingers. I wait for freezie pops to melt so I can drink them instead of chewing them. I'm stupid. And ugly.

Did I do it right?
The English language doesn't have enough insults to write a coherent hate tirade of sufficient length, so to compensate for this deficiency,run-on sentences must be used with little flow and structure. Not like Russian where whole volumes could hypothetically be created without using the same insult twice. Ah, yes the richness of my mother tongue makes me feel unusually patriotic right about now.
The most hilarious thread for me was the one where each member posted his weirdest habits and practices. King Drunkard admitted to carrying socks around with him, whereas I admitted to the unusually quirky ritual of licking pillows out of fresh laundry every night when I was about 7 or 8 years old. God, I miss that thread. What a bomb!
And yes, licking pillows may be weird but it's actually semi-natural: you bury your face in it and involuntarily stick your tongue out. Voila, you have licked a pillow. Big freaking deal. It's not like licking walls, or god forbid, extension cords and electrical sockets.
And my flaming thread got closed?

Anyway, I'll go out on a limb and say that you all pale in comparison to me. My dick is much larger, and so are my muscles. And though I would like to end this post with a good ole "suck my dick", i'm sure only Steven Tyler has a mouth that will accommodate my pipe so don't bother.

Way to totally fucking copy me pessimist, what's next on your agenda? A new game called monopoly perhaps?
I agree that these forums have too many whiny un-metal men..but I disagree with Dodens being a consistent poster..the only time he is metal is when he rants on Wintersun...

And yes Ozzman keeps it metal because he does not admit to homosexual and un-metal tendencies like many others..even if you do that shit, keep it to yourself and prove your manliness

EDIT: Too many conservatives here too...and that's a bad thing

Dude, just shut up. You don't even know what a conservative is, much less what one smells like or what one believes. But I'll tell you what this one believes. I believe you are the worst poster any message board anywhere has ever seen, ever. And I am including the old threads cavemen used to carve into rocks. After I read your posts I literally hear crickets chirping. I mean, I really hear them! This is likely the only time any of your posts has ever been acknowledged, much less quoted. You can thank me for confirming your existence later.