Anyone up for mastering a track?


Jan 31, 2006
Hey guys, I've been curious to see how big of an impact a different mastering technique would have on my mixes, so here's an unmastered version of a song if anyone wants to have a go at it if they've got some extra free time and nothing better to do.

If there are any takers, I would like to mix to be around the same RMS as the sample master that I did, which should be around -10 to -9.5dbs RMS in the loudest spots. I don't really care for the sound of tracks louder than that. Also, you'll notice that the wave file looks pretty compressed as already, but that's because I mix into a saturator and then a compressor with no more than 2dbs gain reduction. Anyway, enough talk, here are the files.

Mastered Sample mp3

Unmastered 24bit wave file

Here's my 2nd mix with changes that you guys suggested.
Vox brought down -0.8db
Guitar post EQ +0.8 @ 400Hz, .5Q for more chunk
Bass guitar boost 3db @ 170Hz, .2Q
Bass distorted track low pass filter changed from 2.5k to 4k for added bass clarity
High hat brought up slightly

Thanks for all the masters and suggestions so far!
Unmastered mix 2 (mp3 for faster download)
Unmastered mix 2 .wav file (may take a while to finish uploading)
Cool man, I got a bit of free time today. I'll hit that shit. Ironic too, I just got the masters from my last project back from Plec. Always impressed at what a good mastering job can do for a track.
Cool man, I got a bit of free time today. I'll hit that shit. Ironic too, I just got the masters from my last project back from Plec. Always impressed at what a good mastering job can do for a track.

Nice! I'll be looking forward to that one!
is this new March Hare?

Yes it is. We're still working on a couple more new ones but everything else is done except for some drum reprogramming and other little alterations. And oh yeah, I have to reamp all the guitars through my Rockmaster and Marshall cab now. That's what I used on this track and I like it better than my Gearbox sound.
I really like your version. The lowend is clear and powerful and the mix does not seem to be muddy like my own version is. I have a hard time gauging the low end when I master in my room with my crappy Alesis M1 actives. The fact that they sit about 3 feet away from me is probably not helping things.

I'm glad you like it.
Yes it is. We're still working on a couple more new ones but everything else is done except for some drum reprogramming and other little alterations. And oh yeah, I have to reamp all the guitars through my Rockmaster and Marshall cab now. That's what I used on this track and I like it better than my Gearbox sound.

WOOT! Ever closer we get to the March Hare... can't wait.
Wow Ermz, after a quick listen on the cans, that sounds a hell of a lot better than my master. I'll have to pump this through my monitors and take it to the car tomorrow to test it out some more. What limiter do you use at the end of your chain? It sounds very clear and punchy.
Hey Splatt, I use the iZotope Ozone Maximizer these days. Plec suggested it, and it's a damn sight better than any other software clipper/limiter I've ever used!

I think the master might be a little overboard in the subs. That kick really pumps out. It was fun to do though, so thanks for sharing. I used a bunch of new tools, so it was nice and challenging to have to rely solely on my ears.
first of all, great track! i really dig this song and thought your original mix and master was top notch. but this is incredibly informative for me, getting the chance to see how mastering can vary the end result of the track. its really eye opening, so thanks to all of you who are tackling this! :kickass: