Anyone up for mastering a track?

Nice. I like the sub bass sound in your version!

Very nice! Thanks for doing this.

OK. This is my version, this is my first time at mastering a full song, so this is probably not what to do! :lol:

It will probably make everyone elses sound better! :loco:
Protools wont let me bounce to mp3? Need to authorize something or other that I havent got!

So listen if you must, Files/shitsplatt2master.wav

Thanks for giving it a shot! This version is quite muddy/boxy in the low end.

here is my try:) I'm still learning everything so like to hear your opinions splatt master tralalala.mp3
great song BTW! m/.

This one sounded really different to me and I thought it sounded kind of strange at first, but after going back and A/Bing, I quite like it. Thanks!
Ok I just got done listening to some of the new masters. Its crazy to hear how much influence the mastering technique has on end product, and if there's one thing I've taken away from this, its that I should not spend so much time analyzing my own songs after I have done my own master. I NEVER go back and listen to unmastered versions to critique my own stuff, I always check a 'mastered' version that I've done and that's probably a big reason why I spend so much time going back and retweaking shit in the mix. In actuality, I'm probably just screwing up a lot of things in the master and then blaming it on my mix. So from now on, I'm not going to attempt any mastering until every song is done and mixed. Better yet, I may just hire a mastering engineer or one of the fine Sneap folks to complete my album.
Ok I just got done listening to some of the new masters. Its crazy to hear how much influence the mastering technique has on end product, and if there's one thing I've taken away from this, its that I should not spend so much time analyzing my own songs after I have done my own master. I NEVER go back and listen to unmastered versions to critique my own stuff, I always check a 'mastered' version that I've done and that's probably a big reason why I spend so much time going back and retweaking shit in the mix. In actuality, I'm probably just screwing up a lot of things in the master and then blaming it on my mix. So from now on, I'm not going to attempt any mastering until every song is done and mixed. Better yet, I may just hire a mastering engineer or one of the fine Sneap folks to complete my album.

In my humble opinion you should always try to do your best in the mix process and I am sure you do. I say this because if you find problems the mastering process may dont solve anything. For me sometimes less is more, and for mastering I think that. If you have to use too many inserts for mastering is because something went wrong with the mix. Well but this is only a point of view.

I have to say also that your verse riff it´s one of the better riffs that I have heard. Fucking great.:headbang:
Not had a chance to have a go at this yet, but I will!

Carrying on from Nuno's post, I find myself using very little eq when mastering my own stuff. I generally use a compressor, into two clippers and a limiter. I will sometimes boost the high end, but I find it very easy to get a good sounding mix by mixing through my mastering chain, and fixing everything that way.
Agreed, that's a good master. One of the better in the thread.

FWIW though the magic is definitely in the mix. You will definitely see a lot more of an improvement if you address those minor issues there than at the mastering stage.
I also put the following info in the original post.

Here's my 2nd mix with changes that you guys suggested. Does this sound better?
Vox brought down -0.8db
Guitar post EQ +0.8 @ 400Hz, .5Q for more chunk
Bass guitar boost 3db @ 170Hz, .2Q (I almost wonder if I should shift the frequency up even higher)
Bass distorted track low pass filter changed from 2.5k to 4k for added bass clarity
High hat brought up slightly

Thanks for all the masters and suggestions so far!
Unmastered mix 2 (mp3 for faster download)
Unmastered mix 2 .wav file (may take a while to finish uploading)
Just now listening to all of these. I gotta say Stee, your last one is my favorite from all these so far. It's very pleasing to the the point that I don't want to stop listening (also largely in part to Matt's AWESOME song and always!).