BEHIND THE SCENES of "In Memoriam" Video

This is why I love you guys so much. :lol: That video was great and I can't wait to see the full version!

Mike's bass was an amazing touch, and the stickers he had on the bottom corner looked badass.
A fantastic video. Still concerned about how the video will play out as I'm still kinda undecided about choosing In Memoriam. But if they've gone this far, then I've a right to shut up and watch. Still cool though.

Also, someone make a gif of Matt humping the statue at around 4:16.
The whole bringing Mike's bass out thing at the end choked me up. You fuckers.

I watched that bit while I was at school and I could think was, YOU BASTARDS.
PS. My friend made a gif of it. (Ol is also using one of the picks he gave him in it, which was cool for him)
It's really, really scary how much I look like Matt. And on that note, it's terrifying how similar Matt looks and sounds to Matt Tuck from BFMV :lol:

So if we apply that to math...

M. Drake = D. Ingram
M. Drake = M. Tuck
D. Ingram = M. Tuck

Hey Dave, how does it feel to be the frontman for BFMV? :lol:

Did I strike a nerve?

No, but I bet I did!