Brand New To This Forum, but HUGE Enchant Fan...


New Metal Member
Dec 5, 2003
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Hi all,
I don't usually post on forums like this, but I discovered this in the links on Enchant's main site so here I am.
I talk to a lot of people about metal and prog rock on The Perpetual Motion Board and most people on there know me for my love and constant perpetuating of the Enchant Advertising of that board. :)

Anyways, I am trying to get in touch with the guys from Enchant through here. I see Ed posts a lot and I think I saw a post by Ted somewhere along the way as I scanned through here.

I have some quick questions. I have seen almost everyone band that I have wanted to see live......EXCEPT ENCHANT.

What I want to know, is that would it be possible AT ALL to see ENCHANT at Progpower in Atlanta for PPIV?

Glenn Harveston is the promoter and posts on the aforementioned board. He's a great guy, but definitely a person more into the heavier, speedier type of music. Typically, Enchant wouldn't fit the mold......IN HIS OPINION. My opinion, even besides the bias of my like for Enchant, is that they would fit in fine. I find Enchant to be heavy and light at the same time.......the songs are heartfelt, meaningful, and emotional, and yet, pretty damn heavy at times and easily as complex musically as any metal band out there.

So Ed, or Ted, if you guys are reading this, or Doug, Sean, or Bill....please respond to this and let me know if you have ever been approached for this show, or even would be interested.

Also, on a much different there EVER a possibility of ANY kind of tour in the US? I live in Texas and have yet to make it to California to see one of your few shows in the bay area......
What would it take to play a club or stadium anywhere near the Houston/Austin/Dallas area? Money, lodging, label backing, equipment, travel arrangements, and so forth?

I have tracked Enchant since I got my hands on Blueprint back in 1995. I got it and traded it off 3 times before it really hit me. Kind of crazy that I had to buy it FOUR times to keep it and let the band sound sink in. Ever since, I have been a fanatic. :) I got Wounded as soon as I could, followed by Time Lost and then of course through the rest of the catalog. I rate Enchant as my favorite overall band out of 1500 CDs I own, all being prog metal, prog rock, and rock/metal in general. Some other favorites I have are Fates Warning, Dream Theater, Arena, Threshold, Everon, Mind's Eye, and Saviour Machine. I eagerly got each Enchant album since Time Lost on pretty much the release date. In fact, I set up my CD online orders of other albums and items to coincide with Enchant releases. Sad really, I know. :)

Anyways, so what's the next scoop for Enchant. I hear talk of a DVD. I would of course be getting that upon release. Also, I wanted to know about shirts. You guys have any shirts or will you be printing any at some point? Even something as simple as album covers would be cool. I saw a guy at ProgPower IV in Atlanta this year with a BREAK shirt on and he told he got it in Holland. He said he saw Enchant over I need to move to Europe to see my favorite US band??

Alright, enough of all of this....tell me what merchandise is available with Enchant stuff on it for starters.

Anakin said:
I talk to a lot of people about metal and prog rock on The Perpetual Motion Board
I have a friend Thorsteinn who posts there.. probably about his fanatical band Pain of salvation
Djöfull said:
I have a friend Thorsteinn who posts there.. probably about his fanatical band Pain of salvation

I have seen him on the board several times. Cool guy......I usually read what he has to say.......and YES, he is fanatical about Pain of Salvation. I have their discography myself......great band, if not mildly eclectic to say the least. :)

Thanks for the response.


Welcome and thank you very much for the post!

Hey we would really love to be at PP this year! The concern has been we are not heavy enough but anyone that has seen us live knows that is not the case!

We have pleny of heavy stuff! We are working on it. It helps when A WHOLE LOT of people go on the PP site and lobby for us!

We also would like to explore the Baja festival in Mexacali.

Hey wa re doing this live DVD thing here in Oakland in late Feb or early March now, it was moved back a bit. We are hoping to do the USa thing in 2004 as well somehow, just no set plans yet? Texas would be cool! we shall see?

We have a bunch of stuff planned and there will be more info soon on all that. Hey the merch is coming soon! we are working on that too. We have Tug and Blink shirts!

Thanks again for your support and kind words!

ebass said:

Welcome and thank you very much for the post!

Hey we would really love to be at PP this year! The concern has been we are not heavy enough but anyone that has seen us live knows that is not the case!

We have pleny of heavy stuff! We are working on it. It helps when A WHOLE LOT of people go on the PP site and lobby for us!

We also would like to explore the Baja festival in Mexacali.

Hey wa re doing this live DVD thing here in Oakland in late Feb or early March now, it was moved back a bit. We are hoping to do the USa thing in 2004 as well somehow, just no set plans yet? Texas would be cool! we shall see?

We have a bunch of stuff planned and there will be more info soon on all that. Hey the merch is coming soon! we are working on that too. We have Tug and Blink shirts!

Thanks again for your support and kind words!


Ed, thanks for the response. I am lobbying for you guys to be added to the roster for PPV in Atlanta in September or October of 2004. Is there any way you can tell me what kind of details would need to be met for your attendance. Things like performance cost and lodging, travel, and so forth? You can email me and talk to me privately obviously. I need to get an idea on how to sell you guys, be it price vs. fan interest, or maybe find a way to make it worth it to the show promoters and your label Inside Out.

I really am looking forward to your DVD. I am interested to know what you will put on it. One of the best things you guys do on your CD packaging is the explanation for each song. I LOVE that...I love to read the inspiration for the lyrics or for certain musical elements......keep that up. I would also like to know more about the interests of the band and the origins of everyone's musical abilities.........also maybe a peak inside the Ottotorium and guest appearances by all of the older members......Benignus and so forth....

Also, when's the merchandise going to be available for the shirts and so forth?
Good Suggestions Jason

Hey thanks for the lobbying, I will e-mail you or send a private message. We would love to explore the possibilty of this one!

Hey we are working on the merch as well, I don,t know when it will be availiable though, I will have to check with Doug. Also we have a bit of what you aked for on our Bios but could add a bit more I guess if the others want too.

I think we will keep doing more of the same on the packaging as well but not sure yet. The LIVE DVD is next before our next studio release. We are talking about a bunch of possibilties at the moment and have received some really cool input from everyone!

Thanks again!