Chopin Quest - an art film with a metal attitude


"Rip" was already taken
Sep 5, 2008
Long story short. What you've got below is an art film (even shown in an actual gallery at some point) created by me. It was inspired by The Chopin Year in Poland, influenced by my band Nihil Quest and classic games. It uses music from Chopin, Nihil Quest and some of my solo stuff.

I could have made just another video for a song instead of this movie but it's interesting for me to do something different than what is expected. So far the classical guys at the Music Academy in my city are offended, the (local) metal guys don't get it and the machinima creators love it.

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So far the classical guys at the Music Academy in my city are offended, the (local) metal guys don't get it and the machinima creators love it.

Job well done, eh? :D

What program do you use to make such things and how long did it take you to render the graphcs above?
Oh well, I can't and don't want to make everyone happy. Pissing off classical guys isn't exactly something I consider as a failure : )

The movie was done with Moviestorm (apart from post production). I didn't render it at once but I'd say couple of hours at max with full HD and png for every frame. Maybe less, I have a pretty old CPU anyway. Rendering isn't very time consuming with this kind of production.