Remember King Kong (with video)


"Rip" was already taken
Sep 5, 2008

Usually I spend a lot of time with every mix. For a change I've tried to make it very fast. I actually made this short track to get away a bit from mixing the first Nihil Quest EP which was taking me forever. It still required much work with layering the vocals but the rest was done quickly.

For guitars I've used a very unusual lamp amp - 1 watt grunthell (just the preamp section). It doesn't give something you would call a tight sound but I like it. Vocals are very over the top in a kind of Danzig way but that was the whole point.

I've had this song on mind for years but I didn't want it to clash with the recent Peter Jackson film so it was put on hold until now. It was inspired by the great Principia Discordia, the holy book of discordianisim which I recommend if you're into wacky stuff.

I also wanted to practice my video editing skills so I made this:
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