Presenting: Nihil Quest - hard rock / metal from Poland


"Rip" was already taken
Sep 5, 2008
I know for most of you Poland is a country where only death metal is born but hopefully we have something more to offer : )

My hard rock / metal band has released a free EP which you can download below. I've already posted two tracks in the rate my mix forum, but these are remixed versions. Anyway... the third song "Chemical Savior" features The Shred AKA Jaymz who contributed a great solo. The story is I had to "fire" a guitarist from the band just before recording this last piece. I saw this as a opportunity to have a guest on the EP. Since I recently worked with Jaymz on his recording, he was the most obvious person to ask. I'm quite happy how it all turned out. Right now the band has a full line up once again, we are making a video for "Franky" and getting ready for gigs.

For those who don't want to bother downloading I made this apocalyptic video preview ; )

Individual mp3's:

Zips with mp3's, FLAC files and cd covers are on our website: on the media page. You can also stream it there just like on but with a better quality.

I'd love to hear what you guys think!
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