Nihil Quest video (100% bass drum beater free!)


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Sep 5, 2008
After few months of work I completed the first video for my band Nihil Quest. It's not only performance so those of you who (like me) enjoy something else in a video apart from a band might want to take a look. Both the song and the video for "(Also Sprach) Franky" are based on a true story of German cannibal Armin Meiwes (well, a popular topic among metal bands as I am aware now... sigh : ) More about this in an info box on YouTube.

I feel the video is groundbreaking for metal because there's not a single shot of drummers feet in the double bass parts! There you go, not everything has been done in metal yet! Maybe THIS will be the next big thing? ; )

I'm not a big fan of band performance videos so probably the next one I'll do will have very few shots like that. I decided to go this route because we're a new band and actually it's not a bad idea to show people in our city who we are. The next one will be much more story based. Still, I'm quite happy how it turned out. Check it out:

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While it is a pretty decent video i wouldnt say its "groundbreaking" because it doesnt show your drummer hitting the double bass....theres alot of videos out there that do the same "show band rocking out-show story line to fit the video-back to band rocking-back to storyline etc. etc." cool concept though..good work
i don't get the "groundbreaking" at this all...

but is a nice work, congrats.
I was trying to be sarcastic : ) This kind of shot is a horrible cliche in metal videos IMO. It always stands out somehow and it's always there.
I feel the video is groundbreaking for metal because there's not a single shot of drummers feet in the double bass parts! There you go, not everything has been done in metal yet! Maybe THIS will be the next big thing? ; )

What you really want is a drumming take on the "camera-on-headstock" shot - strap a camera on the drummer's forearm so you can just watch it go up and down and up and down... ;)

I like it - cool song, decent video. My only complaint is that the first shot of blood (around 1:35) looks SO obviously fake I laughed :lol: It looks like paint or something.

Cool vid... but wow that singer's accent = ZE GERMANS

LOL. Well we can't all growl in non English speaking countries : ) BTW for some really interesting accent you guys need to check out Crystal Viper -also from Poland (I don't dare to put their videos in my thread). It's a power metal band with a chick singing.