Christian Wentz (FUTURE'S END) at the hospital in serious condition. Please read.


Mar 26, 2007
(I don't know how to put the video on the message, so please click the link)
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Ugh... I hate to hear this news.

I had the pleasure of being introduced to Christian by Bill two years ago in Atlanta. Christian truly is a great guy. I sure hope he pulls through this one. My thoughts and my prayers are with him and his family. Here's to hoping that he will pull through.

np Futures End
My thoughts and prayers are with my Brother Christian during this time, I probably will not sleep much tonite waiting for any word on a change to his condition.
WOW- this sucks to hear. I actually work for a vaccine maker and I am involved with manufacturing meningitis vaccine. This is a serious illness. I wish the best for him. He's in my thoughts....Get better Chris!!!
Thank you for the video, Bill. Christian has been in my thoughts and prayers ever since he posted that he was feeling sick. It's all so sudden and serious. :-\ Missed seeing both you and Christian at PP. He's a really great man and I can't wait to say hello to him at PPXII. He'll be there, for sure.

Bill, your video made me miss the both of you guys twice as much. Saudades amigão. Hope to see you soon too.
Damn, this is shocking. My prayers will certainly be with him frequently over the coming days until his recovery. Keep us posted.
Bill... thanks for posting.

I'll echo the sentiments posted here. Christian is an awesome person. Hopefully this is just a small bump along his journey and he turns the corner quickly.