COB US tour with BLS this autumn

They better do. It's been 2 years since the last one. And in those 2 years they have been to the US I don't know how many times.
Yes, I'm jealous.

Yea, but you guys get all the metal festivals over there with GOOD bands not this OzzFest garbage we get here.
Meet and Greet, Edmonton, September 24


more pics here
That's one ugly bass :O

but these fans seems to bore the shit out of them

This music has the spirit of ending a fun full week of partying on a depressed bus trip back home in a horrible whiskey hangover. The slow drum beat resembles a tired heart, the mood the depression and the aimless guitar solos the trembling of your hands.
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Thay better not cancel the show in my town. I will be fucking pissed. Been waiting and waiting and its so close I can almost taste the beer and sweet.

Did he say who had the health issue?
but these fans seems to bore the shit out of them

Quite honestly, if I was in a band, I'd be bored as shit at meet and greets. It's the same thing over and over, and unless someone comes up with something brilliant to say, I can't see it being overly exciting. I guess it's part of the job though.

I would have went to the Edmonton meet and greet, but I figured I wanted a good spot on the rail for the actual show. (Although that didn't happen anyways due to the venue being set up stupidly). I get a kick out of the people who are so excited they could explode at meet and greets. You get herded like cattle through a line up for a few seconds of face time and an autograph.
OK time for some K-Man oddities :/

After Calgary we drove back to Regina for a day off. I needed to do laundry so of course I grab my board and head out after looking up a couple coin op. locations. I start rolling and about 10 minutes away from the bus I glance up and see some dude on the sidewalk looking like he is trying to get away from a bee. Didn't think anything of it until I got to the same spot. 2 young teens were hiding in the bushes with sling shots and one of the little turds blasted me in my kick leg mid kick. Hurt so fucking bad I couldn't move. And of course I pulled the old man card and started cursing and shouting death threats as they ran off laughing. In hind sight it was funny cause I was doing the same shit at their age ;) Well I walked for about 40 mins to loosen the leg back up and then ended up skating to 4 laundry places, the last of which was open. Slowly skated back to the bus and chilled. So the end result to all this is I can't skate for a few days, have swelling and some strange ass bruises. Meah!

On the show day in Winnipeg Janne and I (being the Taco Bell Freaks we are) walked a couple miles to some crack / speed freak neighborhood to get some Bell. Bad fucking call! Crazy ass inbreed MF's everywhere. Some whacked out chick with a black eye and her screaming kid, an 8000 year old dude with no teeth ordering 40 tacos oh and was driving despite being blind and barely walking, so on and so on. Crazy as shit and much stranger then it sounds here.

Yesterday was a day of in Fargo ND (my Dad's home town) on our way to Omaha. Great day cause I got all my shopping done and had a really chill day. Clutch and 2 Cents were playing their own gig not to far away so Alexi, Henkka, Roope, and Jussi (our video / photographer) went to check out the show. Sounds like they had a great time.

Well we have about 1 1/2 hours till in Omaha. I'm going to watch some TV and surf my nutz off.

Ciao, K-Man
Quite honestly, if I was in a band, I'd be bored as shit at meet and greets. It's the same thing over and over, and unless someone comes up with something brilliant to say, I can't see it being overly exciting. I guess it's part of the job though.

For me it would be severely confusing and I'd probably get a panic reaction in a hangover, as there's hundreds of fans you need to greet and some of them think you're god and see you for the first time.
^ Yeah, doing that hungover would be horrible. That hangover haze isn't conducive to doing anything, really.
Every time there has been a COB meet and greet here in Edmonton, at least one of the guys has been really hungover. Haha.
I think what you meant to say was that anytime one of the guys in Bodom is awake they have a hang over. HAHAHA!