Critique - Too Wide? (NEED FEEDBACK!)


Feb 10, 2013
Hey guys,

Tried out Cubase as a DAW for my first time (Instead of Ableton Live), and am somewhat impressed by the features/workspace.

Anyways, This is my first mix using some new settings and experimenting... (NOT COMPLETE, NEEDS PROPER MASTERING/LIMITING/ETC)

As I put the 'beef' of the mix together, I listened to it on a few separate sources of speakers and felt like the guitar and bass didn't blend well, and the guitars were too 'wide' from my stereo imaging/shuffling on the guitars. I tried to squeeze it all together, but I want some of your input. Does this mix sound somewhat decent considering it isn't even properly mastered/mixed?

(I'm trying to get a nice wide massive guitar sound, yet still blend it nice with bass and make the mix sound nice and tight)

I'm an amateur, and am looking for some serious advice! Thanks :D

My Rough Mix:
Sweet! sounds like TDWP or somthing! In my opinion the kick and snare are too loud and too much low end in the kick. But pretty cool though!
^ Agreed, all in all pretty decent but kick and snare are pretty loud. There is a bit of low end murk in the guitar though. The kick drum click is a little exaggerated (4K +)in the top end, if you listen to newer AA stuff the kick's attack has less click more crack but as I said pretty good stuff!
Very good man. Can I ask you process for guitars? Do you use active or passive PU? And how did you go about cleaning the bottom end of the guitars up (Assuming you used pod farm)? This sounds very decent!
Thanks, I just used POD Farm with a typical 'Joey' or Post-hardcore type tone. Then I ran it through some EQ (Pretty serious EQ'ing) and a Stereo Enhancer with a few other waves plugins in between. As far as cleaning up the low end I just cut around 300 - 400 Hz where the muddy sound usually is, and High-Passed/Cut everything off at 150 Hz. Then it was just getting the guitars in the right stereo space and plopping them into the right mix :)