Dealing with difficult clients

+1000 on having one representative. I give the band "my mix" and have them sit down and listen together on their own time. Then I tell them to make me a detailed list of every change they would like made and have the representative email me this list. I try and make it clear that the only things on the list should be stuff that EVERYONE agrees on. It definitely stops the nightmare of everyone wanting something different, and gets everyone on the same page (quite literally).
Yeah my problem was this band didn't have me around during recording. Didn't want it. They just sent me master raw tracks and told me to mix. No guidlines just "make it good" then I did it, and it was never perfect. To them. I loved the mix and it sounded amazing. But they had a Metallica ego with a local garage band reputation and budget.
Yeah my problem was this band didn't have me around during recording. Didn't want it. They just sent me master raw tracks and told me to mix. No guidlines just "make it good" then I did it, and it was never perfect. To them. I loved the mix and it sounded amazing. But they had a Metallica ego with a local garage band reputation and budget.

Fuck 'em then. Bands like that always end up the same way. Broke, bitter and left with nothing worthwhile to show for it.
Yeah, funny storry. Mid way through the mix, they fired me. As i said. and they got Jens Bogren to mix it now. Their independant release. They "couldn't afford to pay me" but can afford Jens. ha
yeah I'll play guys a rough mix but I'm very wary of burning one- How many times do you see bands throw rough mixes on myspace, they sound crap and people are very unlikely to be flattered by tones and shit.

Alot of consumers associate rough mix with the only difference between this and the finished product being level changes.
Actually I've had at least one band throw their rough mixes on Myspace, follwed by me spending a week editing and tightening before sending them the final versions. They then left the roughs on Myspace because apparently they preferred them! Thanks a fucking lot for my time then?

They recently signed to Rising Records though. So when they're handed a £16k bill that they're contractually obligated to pay I'll likely have the last laugh.
Actually I've had at least one band throw their rough mixes on Myspace, follwed by me spending a week editing and tightening before sending them the final versions. They then left the roughs on Myspace because apparently they preferred them! Thanks a fucking lot for my time then?

They recently signed to Rising Records though. So when they're handed a £16k bill that they're contractually obligated to pay I'll likely have the last laugh.

The band has to pay 16K to the label? Is it some sort of scam?
The band has to pay 16K to the label? Is it some sort of scam?

You're obligated to record your album in the owners own studio for one. The label provides a service and hands the band the bill from what I've heard. No scam, but if you're not smart enough to read the small print...

Put it this way, do you think Trigger The Bloodshed are getting high profile tour support slots because they're just that good? Payola lives on.
Ok fellas i got a problem. I just finished up a quick and dirty 2 song project for a local band. Gave the guys a copy of their master waves on disc, they were pleased and i was pleased to be done with em. then the next day a get a text message from one of the band members telling me he "Mastered" the mixes i gave them, here it is line for line "I mastered our shit. Check it out. it sounds a million times heavier. I ran two parametric eqs, a multiband compressor and a sonic enhancer over the songs, its badass!"

So i ask for your expert opinions. Which mix sounds better.

MIX 1, or MIX 2 "MASTER"

And i know i suck im trying to get better though.
Ok fellas i got a problem. I just finished up a quick and dirty 2 song project for a local band. Gave the guys a copy of their master waves on disc, they were pleased and i was pleased to be done with em. then the next day a get a text message from one of the band members telling me he "Mastered" the mixes i gave them, here it is line for line "I mastered our shit. Check it out. it sounds a million times heavier. I ran two parametric eqs, a multiband compressor and a sonic enhancer over the songs, its badass!"

So i ask for your expert opinions. Which mix sounds better.

MIX 1, or MIX 2 "MASTER"

And i know i suck im trying to get better though.

Yeah... With all the free/cheap and pirated audio software on the internet everyone thinks they are an engineer these days.

I would just gently explain to them the damage they are doing to the tracks and if they don't understand or care there isn't really much you can do.

I've had clients attempt to make masters I've gave them LOUDER by normalizing them and all sorts of wacky shit.

It's just what comes along with dealing with clients that really don't understand the process or how shit actually goes down.
Yeah i know my mix isnt up to par with what most people post on here, but damn man! to have a fuck that knows jack shit about the art and science to over night become a mastering engineer lol just kills me. So i guess now in a backyard white trash sence, i kinda know how Sneap and the big boys feel. The band was going to record their full length with me, but thankfully i dont need money that bad and i can tell that dude to get on down the fuckin road.
I don't see why every joe-soap out there wants their stuff to be so much louder than every thing else, if it sounds good then use the fuckin' volume knob on your stereo th hear it louder