Eating habits


Mar 21, 2010
New York
Just wondering how often you dudes eat (in general), and how you feel your mood is affected by it. Personally, I'm a slave to my appetite, and I would say it's one of the biggest determiners of my mood, though fortunately I've perfected my eating routine, and always know where to find just the right snack when I'm out - curious to hear what you guys' experiences have been!

And for awhile I thought I was hypoglycemic in the way I feel massively lethargic and crappy (and have difficulty focusing on things) when my blood sugar is low, but I came out negative on a glucose tolerance test, so ¯\(°_o)/¯
Now that you mention, I noticed that when I lived with my room mate, I actually ate super regularly (like 2-3 times a day) and healthily (I cooked most of the time) and I actually lost weight during that time. Now that I live alone my eating habits have been become really irregular, unhealthy, more expensive and I've gained like 5kg, and since I tend to skip breakfast I also am more tired most of the day. I really need a girlfriend, if for nothing else, then only just for this reason. Cooking only for yourself is such a drag.
A lot of those lethargic states and short concentration spams may be produced by the lack of proper physical activity . You still going to the gym or working out at home? how much ? did you check out your diet with an expert ?
Eating many times a day can cause your body to fell weak , it takes a lot of energy to the body to process food. Also,try avoiding junk food , candys etc.
The significant other says I'm always pissed when I don't eat. I eat about 6-7 times a day. A bunch of turkey sandwiches and mangos usually.
"Erst kommt das Fressen, dann die Moral." ~ Bertolt Brecht

I actually usually gain weight whenever I'm in a relationship.
Breakfast: cofee with milk and sugar
Lunch: something with meat, few oil, some bread and sometimes salad; or maybe some pasta or rice. Everything else consumes too much time to cook and I don't usually have time at the lunch time.
Dinner: I have plenty of time at night, so whatever I want.

I don't usually snack, but if I do, it's something with chocolate :lol:
A lot of those lethargic states and short concentration spams may be produced by the lack of proper physical activity . You still going to the gym or working out at home? how much ? did you check out your diet with an expert ?
Eating many times a day can cause your body to fell weak , it takes a lot of energy to the body to process food. Also,try avoiding junk food , candys etc.

Thanks, but none of that applies to me - I definitely am getting plenty of physical activity, and my diet is not to blame, as I feel substantially better when I do eat, and I always eat healthy balanced meals :) Anyway, this thread is not about me, I know what works for me and have found plans that work, just trying to get input from other people on their experiences!
And for reference, here's my average daily meal plan (all sandwiches made with 100% whole wheat bread):

Breakfast - PB&J sandwich, glass of milk, coffee
Lunch - Some massive meat sandwich or another (usually around 1/4 lb. of deli meat)
About an hour after lunch - yogurt, tea
Mid-day - Another meat sandwich, or sometimes 3 eggs and toast (or a protein shake on workout days)
Dinner - Whatever my Mom cooked, always some meat + starch + veggie
Evening snack - Big bowl of cereal or oatmeal
Late night - Cottage cheese and yogurt

And this is on a daily basis :D
Used to eat like shit, but since I've started working out I eat fairly well.. healthy 80% of the time and eat about 5 or 6 meals a day. There was a study on whether eating more often was more beneficial, and it really made no difference whether you ate 3 meals or 6 meals of the same amount in one day. However, to get enough food in me to put on muscle I need to break up my meals otherwise I can't eat enough.

My eating patterns definitely make a big difference on how I feel, if I miss out on carbs in the morning or preworkout I become really dizzy and out of it.
Most of the meals are a protein with complex carb, brown rice, sweet potatoes, old fashion oatmeal etc... I try to eat 6 to 7 times and drink a 1.5 gallons of water a day. I try to keep my protein intake 210 Grams. Some type of Vegetable for one meal. Flaxseed / fish oil 2 tbs and a Multivitamin is somewhere in there. Plenty of sleep at least 8 hours!

I dropped 50 lbs in about 6 months doing this and lifting and mild cardio, Benching, Squats, Dead-lifts and Pull-ups FTW.
I'm in the same boat as Morgan.
I used to eat heaps of junk. My diet in 2008 was cigarettes, alcohol, soft drink (soda for you Americans), basically just mainly processed food and basically zero exercise apart from jogging once a month to clear my brain.

Fast forward to 2010, I've gotten over most of my anxiety disorder problems and now I'm eating healthier, I don't smoke anymore, binge drinking at insane levels is a thing of the past and more recently, I've gotten myself weights, a bar bell and a weight bench.
I've just gotten sick of being the skinny guy and want to put some muscle on my currently pathetic physique.
I still eat junk from time to time, just as anyone would, but a lot of junk food I used to eat regularly I can't put in my mouth now without gagging.
It's absolutely crucial that I eat far more calories than sedentary people. I take protein, creatine and glutamine supplements and I also regularly eat meal replacement meals. A lot of people use them for losing weight, but I'm using them so I can get extra nutrition down my belly without having to forcefeed myself so much solid food to the point of feeling sick.
I yoyo a lot. Years ago when working out heavily I used to eat 5 to 6 times a day, meals usually involving a lot of oatmeal, chicken breast, protein shakes etc. That's when I was only a student and could afford the time and effort it took.

These days with the workload I'm on I'm lucky if I get to eat once per day. Had breakfast at 9pm last night. I usually confine my meals to lean steak with salad, salmon or chicken. Junk type stuff and candy gets thrown in every now and then when I'm running low on energy and need something on the go (as a song is bouncing in real-time or whatever).

So just a word up to you who are currently students or unemployed. Not every career choice will facilitate the idealistic 5 to 6 meal a day target, nor will it give you the time to work out hard every day.
And for reference, here's my average daily meal plan (all sandwiches made with 100% whole wheat bread):

Breakfast - PB&J sandwich, glass of milk, coffee
Lunch - Some massive meat sandwich or another (usually around 1/4 lb. of deli meat)
About an hour after lunch - yogurt, tea
Mid-day - Another meat sandwich, or sometimes 3 eggs and toast (or a protein shake on workout days)
Dinner - Whatever my Mom cooked, always some meat + starch + veggie
Evening snack - Big bowl of cereal or oatmeal
Late night - Cottage cheese and yogurt

And this is on a daily basis :D

Not a horrible diet, but you definitely need to mix in more fiber, fruits and veggies, chief. Eat some Kashi Go Lean cereal in the morning (10+ grams of fiber in one sitting) to help get your 25 grams you're supposed to get in a day or you can bet your sweet ass that you'll have some diverticulosis going on when you get over 40-50 years old.

On second thought, after seeing the picture of that great brown shark you posted in funny pics thread, and reviewing your diet a little more carefully, you're getting an okay amount of fiber but not as much as you should. Take it from me, that Kashi cereal will create some of the finest looking sharks you've ever seen.
I'm a total health freak , I try to eat small protein based things every two to 3 hours, plus creatine ,NO- Xplode , and two whey protein shakes a day... Plus I do P90X every day now (an hour - hour and a half every day of the week), so I feel fuckin great , like I could rip someone in half without breaking a sweat. As far as food , I almost always cook for myself , I love cooking and I love natural , non processed food... especially chicken fish and fruit ... hate vegetables though so I take vitamins and V8 / V8 Blend stuff