Eden's Curse - Symphony of Sin


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Hey guys

Now that SOS is released in Europe...I was wondering if anyone has heard any of the album thus far?



First I heard Evil and Divine, the music video, and didn't really like it that much. Can't say what it is exactly, but didn't find it that catchy. But now I heard Unbreakable(the link above) and this song is great. It feels a lot more melodic, happier, and more my taste. After hearing this I'm much more eager to hear the rest. This may be a hard question, but if you'd chose one of the two songs, which one would you say best represents the album, Steve?

And that's a great review. I like what I read; "Steve Williams keyboards bring a style reminiscent of early Dream Theater, adding subtle textures which embellish without overpowering".

No matter what, good luck in the future with EC, hope you'll enjoy it a lot!
Grabbed a copy and it's firmly on my most played playlist :D I'm actually even more pleased with how metal it is than I expected. I thought with a firm foot in sort of 80s hard rock there mightn't be much shred or heaviness but there is and I'm loving it :kickass: I guess this is more melodic metal with an 80s AOR sprinkling.

How was the album making process for you Steve? What were the big influences? Things gel well with the band? Because musically it sounds like they did!
Glad you approve Dom!

For me it was a very different process as all the songs were written before I joined the band so I had a very different challenge to what I'm used to :)

Working remotely 100% was a different experience too. As you know, I'm old school through and through and love being in a real studio......however with EC everyone has their own home studios and are very proficient in that department too.

I was throwing ideas out and some stuck and some needed work but we got there in the end....with my work schedule it was very difficult for me to focus 100% but I think the majority was done in a week off from work.

As far as gelling with the band goes......I've known Paul for a number of years and Pete too........so that made life a lot easier. Nik and TK are lovely guys too and it already feels like a very strong friendship has been formed which bodes well for the future.
I haven't heard the full album yet but I've listened to the two promo clips a few times already. I seem to be falling out of love with power metal at the moment but having said that, I do genuinely like what I'm hearing here. By far my favorite is Unbreakable. I get a huge Angra vibe from this one and it sounds very fresh and seems to flow really well. I also like Evil and Divine but it's a little more typical of the genre, so doesn't grab me as strongly. I'm loving the Panama inspired riff at the start though!
Waiting for the (new) US release date before I give my thoughts. Very excited!!
Sounding tight! Great shred! Shame the vocals were a little low volume but this is a very solid live performance, would have killed to be there. Where are you Steve I couldn't see ya.
Steve was on the far left hand side of the stage (from the audience point of view). There were some sound problems on the Friday. When I heard the announcement introducing the band ("LAD.....ND......TLEMAN, PLE.....WELCO....ED.........URSE!") I knew it wasn't going to go well. :lol:
Apparently it was a different FOH engineer this year compared to previous Firefests......from what people say, this was a lot to do with the sound. As usual in these circumstances....the heavier the band, the bigger the problem