Gimme some mid-paced black metal, you bastards!


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
I use the term "black metal" loosely here, so stay with me. Lately, I can't stop listening to Forefather and Morrigan, and I've even been listening to Blood,Fire, Death a bunch lately. And you all know how much I love Graveland. So I ask, oh ye experts, what other bands play in a similar vein?

Forefather is rooted in black metal, especially their debut, and I really like it a lot. It is more epic sounding than most. The FIghting Man is mid paced metal with black metal vocals.

I wouldn't even know about Morrigan if not for you guys, so I say thankya. Enter the Sea of Flames is BRILLIANT! I've talked to Balor and will probably send him some money for Celts (unless Red Stream somehow gets it). But Morrigan's mid paced "black metal" is what I like.

You all know about Graveland.

I'm just not into the hyper fast black metal. Don't know, can't appreciate it as much. I'm sure Erik, and Sorath will name fifty obscure black metal bands from Sweden, so bring 'em on.

Darkthrone - Hate Them

That's about all I know for the mid-paced variety. :Spin:
I really think the new Frost, 'Talking to God', is truley exceptional. Check out my review for more.

I'll be able to tell you about Blut Aus Nord, as soon as I get some of their stuff.

I think you like that stuff that leans toward the Vikingcore sound, though.

HAHAHAHAH! VIKINGCORE . . . I've just ruined viking metal for all the tr00 fans out there. I'm calling it Vikingcore from now on.
Dreamlord said:
I use the term "black metal" loosely here, so stay with me. Lately, I can't stop listening to Forefather and Morrigan, and I've even been listening to Blood,Fire, Death a bunch lately. And you all know how much I love Graveland. So I ask, oh ye experts, what other bands play in a similar vein?
Morrigan is Bathory worship o' plenty. There are plenty of Bathory worship bands out there. Having said that, Blood Fire Death is like Blackened Thrash, so I guess that's what you mean by "mid-paced"? There was a discussion going on about Black/Thrash here somewhere, and for the life of me, I can't remember which thread...

Forefather is rooted in black metal, especially their debut, and I really like it a lot. It is more epic sounding than most. The FIghting Man is mid paced metal with black metal vocals.
Man, Deep Into Time is just nasty. Cheap machine driven blast beats, certainly not mid-paced, and absolutely not epic. Just not very good IMO. Their other stuff is supposed to be infinitely better, but I've yet to look into it. Too much other stuff out there.

I'm just not into the hyper fast black metal. Don't know, can't appreciate it as much.
DRUDKH. Absolutely brilliant stuff, but their latest is supposed to be a small masterpiece. I went to buy it on Dark Symphonies one day for $10, and the next day it had already sold out.

NOKTURNAL MORTEM. Everything they've ever done is brilliant. NeChrist is a good mid-paced example.

DARKTHRONE. Panzerfaust. Fucking Panzerfaust is the best Darkthrone CD ever!!!1

HELHEIM. Jormundgand. It is near perfection, and the demo is well worth the hunt as well.
when i think of mid-paced BM, Ajattara always comes to mind... if you don't mind lyrics in Finnish that is.
Blut Aus Nord
Burzum (duh)
Cryptic Wintermoon
Fluisterwoud ( 1/2 their songs are mid-paced)

...are all great
I second the nominations for:

Nocturnal Mortem

Dark Funeral (lots of their stuff isn't hyperspeed)
Marduk (yes, believe it or not, their early stuff is not all blasting; it's in fact very melodic)
Dark Fortress
guess you're after whole albums, but i have to recomend marduk, they don't do hyper speed black metal exclusivly, they have some some great slower songs like "la grande danse macabre", "dracul va domni din nou in transilvania" and "bleached bones". came to think of ondskapt as i was writing, it's a lot of mid-paced stuff on the album "draco sit mihi dux" though faster parts exist in lesser amounts.
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta. I haven't heard the new one, so I can't comment on that one.

Weakling's ''Dead As Dreams'' is also very good, in a twisted kind of way. They have plenty of mid-paced moments, but there are also plenty of fast moments thrown in. Here are some reviews of the album: (check the bottom of the page)
Hmm.. Maybe not very much like Morrigan but:
Forgotten Tomb
Abyssic Hate

These have many slow/mid-paced songs and all are great bands.
Sorath said:
I can't believe noone has mentioned Iuvenes. Bathory-worship along the lines of Morrigan and such, a bit more Graveland-like maybe.
I was going to mention them, but then I realized I'd never heard of them. :loco:
Jeebus....ok I have some research to do during lunch now on all of these bands. Thanks guys.

Keep 'em comin' if you got 'em.
I've actually been reading reviews about Gehenna.

Is Hate Forest any good?

I know where I can get 1 album from Hate Forest (Purity), 1 MCD from Helhiem (Terrorveldet), and 2 albums from Iuvenes (Riddles of Steel; Empire of Iuvenes) and 1 album from Nachtfalke (Doomed to Die) all for damn cheap. What should I get?
JayKeeley said:
Man, Deep Into Time is just nasty. Cheap machine driven blast beats, certainly not mid-paced, and absolutely not epic. Just not very good IMO. Their other stuff is supposed to be infinitely better, but I've yet to look into it. Too much other stuff out there.
Oh, bollocks! I just bought that one!

As for Hate Forest, I have The Most Ancient Ones and still find it incredibly tedious and forgettable. It just comes over as a mess of noise and once it's finished you can't remember a single nuance of it. Very dull.