Growl voice method


melancholic melon
Aug 19, 2002
I play guitar and sing.
I used to do it in a band but now we broke up.
I'd like to form a death-doom metal band,but I always singed with clean voice, and I wish to learn how to sing in growl without loose my voice after a song.
There is a specific tecnique?
If anyone can help me, please let me know.:p

all i knwo is that it has to "come from your stomach" i don't know how to do that and i'd love for someone to elaborate on this
I sing the brutal death style so I have to pretty much go for the growls all the way through.
The best way to do it is start off making 'grrrr' noises. Like your taking the piss out of a dog. They sound laim but are the direction that you want to head in (HINT: Dont do it infront of anyone:tickled:) Once you've got your basic 'grrrr' down pat you'll want to make it sound like you've got some balls. Dont do anything that stresses your throat, you've just fuck yourself over and not be able to do anything. Ever.Use vowels as your basic to start with, play with the sounds. At this stage your not trying to sing, your trying to get a good sound. The best growls to use to start off with are "Arhhhhhh"s "Grrrrr"s "Riiii"s "Youuuuuuu"s.
Once you've got that basic gravel sound go for the variations with the lips, smaller the opening of the mouth the lower the sound. When your mouth is closed more you have to force more air out to get it loud enough. With combination of stomach and throat you should be able to get a good sound.

I was going to write more but I just realised I cant be stuffed and its different for everone.

Ohh yeah, for practicing I usually run through my ABC repeatedly as fast as I can (See how many times I can say it all the way through in one breath)
no, i mean chug a beer at the beginning and then just go ahead... your voice gets used to it. i growled all through the opeth show, after a tinnie of new, and my throat didnt hurt until the morning :)
What I'm saying is that it shouldn't hurt at all. I'd take it that thats what you'd be aiming for if you wanted to sing. It shouldn't need magic techniques or food to sound good. Although porridge does a great job at getting it sludgy instantly. Otherwise just warm up to get the same effect...
Prozactrooper, that was really helpful, thx. :cool: I know I really needed to know how to do this, because after I growled Wreath all the way through without ever practicing before, my throat was so fucked up. :D But could you elaborate a bit more on making the sound from your stomach? I don't really see how to do that.
That’s the hard part to teach without actually being there. Without sounding wanky the stomach technique is basically just using your diaphram to force the energy out, the same with any singing style.
In reality it’s impossible, if not damn right hard to teach singing over the net. Its hard enough teaching someone face to face.

Ask anyone of your friends who has had lessons. They should be able to tell you the way of the growl.
Prozactrooper said:
I sing the brutal death style so I have to pretty much go for the growls all the way through.
The best way to do it is start off making 'grrrr' noises. Like your taking the piss out of a dog. They sound laim but are the direction that you want to head in (HINT: Dont do it infront of anyone:tickled:) Once you've got your basic 'grrrr' down pat you'll want to make it sound like you've got some balls. Dont do anything that stresses your throat, you've just fuck yourself over and not be able to do anything. Ever.Use vowels as your basic to start with, play with the sounds. At this stage your not trying to sing, your trying to get a good sound. The best growls to use to start off with are "Arhhhhhh"s "Grrrrr"s "Riiii"s "Youuuuuuu"s.
Once you've got that basic gravel sound go for the variations with the lips, smaller the opening of the mouth the lower the sound. When your mouth is closed more you have to force more air out to get it loud enough. With combination of stomach and throat you should be able to get a good sound.

I was going to write more but I just realised I cant be stuffed and its different for everone.

Ohh yeah, for practicing I usually run through my ABC repeatedly as fast as I can (See how many times I can say it all the way through in one breath)
Don't know WHAT you're talking aboput dude..growling vocals are a combanation of gurgling noises in the throat and breathing exercises in your stomach..Keep this in mind, one should INHALE while doing cookie monstor vox as breathing should come from the stomach and pitch
contol from the throat.
Remember gargling and pitch from the throat, breathing from the pit of your stomach WHILE inhaling.. Every couple of words or phrases take a breath as you inhale and exhale (breathing exercises helps) through your stomach..
deathbearer said:
Don't know WHAT you're talking aboput dude..growling vocals are a combanation of gurgling noises in the throat and breathing exercises in your stomach..Keep this in mind, one should INHALE while doing cookie monstor vox as breathing should come from the stomach and pitch
contol from the throat.
Remember gargling and pitch from the throat, breathing from the pit of your stomach WHILE inhaling.. Every couple of words or phrases take a breath as you inhale and exhale (breathing exercises helps) through your stomach..

Although breathing with the stomach helps it doesn't help control the actual growl which is what they're worried about. Its more forcing the air and power from the stomach, as in any martial art.
You can control pitch to a degree with your stomach, although its not a great deal it gives you more to work with. You should be able to hold you mouth completly open and practice changing tones without using your throat, its all going to come out of your throat but it doesn't mean you cant control the release of the energy further down the line.
People rip their throats up if they just use their lungs and go wild with the roaring and screaming or try to do too much in one go without working up to the hurdle. Its all in the control as you said but theres alot to it, just alot of stuff that goes unsaid by most singers as it usually comes very naturally, so they dont think about it.

I'm starting to feel numb and dumb now...o_O
what do you mean by doom-death? novembers doom or mdb?
all i know is that before you pratice drink something to caoth your thraot, like milk, soda or beer. doom vocal seem to require a healthy lung with alot of air. if your throat hurt too much stop or you'll damage your vocal
tnx guys. I know that is something that have to come out from your belly. My problem are not the 'grrrr' noises. I can do them.
But I can't do them loud. I can do them but low so with the others instruments playing.....I don't think it will work.:erk:
And then the belly work is hard to do. Prozactrooper was very nice to help us, but he's's hard to teach a singing method by the net.
But I think something will help anyway.
I'd love that mike would answer to us. :p

Prozactrooper ,thx for all the "lessons" I will be glad to hear from you soon, everytime you have something more to say about this (or about everything) please do it! you are great.:)

tnx everyone who posted, but the thread still open so, write!!!!:D
You pretty much just push out your belly... Kind of like pooping but more controlled... It takes a lot of practice and energy. If you do it right, youll know because it will tire you out. Also practice it standing up so you can sing properly. You need to also breathe properly. Your shoulders should not move when you take deep breaths. If you keep your shoulders down and take a deep breath, you should notice a kind of difference in the way your stomache and chest goes out once it gets more air, just learn to push out like that while you sing/growl... Hmm.. thats all i can think of right now, other than dont let your throat get too dry...