Day 2:

Woke up at about 8am... an amazing 2 1/2 hours of sleep. No hangover but a slight headache, was still pretty much drunk. Walked around the hotel for a while, ran into Mike and Janne again who were getting breakfast (which was amazing since I was up till 5am drinking with them, so they have the same 3 hour sleep schedule I did). Wandered down to a gas station and got some smokes and a Coolah energy drink.

Came back to the hotel, went upstairs and will and max were still sleeping like the little bitches there were. Surfed the net for while... They finally woke up.

Got some lunch with them, Derick, and Cara (who actually ate right before that, so they just watched us eat)... Then we went to this giant Sears which was right next to the hotel. Atleast it was giant to me, I had never seen a Sears so big.

LRD has a funny voice.

Went down to the venue after that and caught the end of Dark Forest's set. They sounded ok. Nothing special though.

Gwynbleidd had great music, stage performance was a bit dull though. I still enjoyed it.

Earthen was The only band on the fest that I saw that I wish I hadn't seen. The guys from Mael Mordha were trying to keep them in time from up in the bar by slamming the beat on a table loudly...

Shroud of Bereavement, very awesome doom metal. I was quite impressed.

Me, Will, Derick, and Cara went to dinner at this point, Max stayed at the venue, so we didn't see Hordes of Yore's (Or as Will would say: HORDES OF... BORE! EH? EH?!) or most of Mael Mordha's set, though what I did see of Mael Mordha's kinda made me regret missing most of it.

Obtest was next. I enjoyed the music but the vocals annoyed the hell outta me.

Then came Rudra. Holy shit did they kill. My neck was wrecked after their set... Also got to formally meat RIA as he poured several drinks down my throat. And they played 'The pathless path to the knowable unknown'. That stole the night for me. They were my favorite band of the night, and tie with Vreid for the fest.

Skyforger was also amazing. They really put on a show, and all the crazy folk instruments the one guy plays on stage, woo!

Then Bal-Sagoth came on. He does the narrations on stage <3 <3 <3. Sadly you couldn't hear some of them because of a mic error. Still the music killed, and was an awesome end to an awesome fest.

The End.

Not. Got back to the hotel, sat in the room for a moment... I think I said "I HEAR PEOPLE!" and ran out of the room. Of course it was Mike from slough feg I heard, once again, being all drunk in the halls. Went down to the main lobby where everyone was and the Phil Lynott comparisons commenced, (On stage he told everyone "Phil Lynott is here!" and pointed at me, which, I must admit, If I grew my hair out even more, I would look like phil) and so did the beer drinking. One point he said if I started a thin lizzy cover band, he and angelo would join as guitarists... so drunk, haha. Then at some point Janne from Manegarm broke into the pool with this one crazy red headed chick who I had seen drunk all over the place this weekend... he had no shyness about removing his clothes in front of mostly men and jumping into the hot tub. Crazy swedes. Then the floor hopping began, cop kept going around to any floor that had parties starting up and pushing people into rooms, which blew. But they allowed the party in the main lobby to continue for some reason, which had grown large.

Then, like a flash, the time for me to leave came, I cried... I didn't wanna go. But I did, with a little help of some vodka and a beer to chug on the way out.

Ended up making a total ass of my self on the super shuttle which rudra was on... I think. I hardly remember it, but I always make an ass outta myself when I'm drunk, so I'm sure I did. I remember we talked about agalloch for a while.

Got on the plane and passed out, woke up in salt lake... don't even remember the layover in Denver, haha.

This weekend killed.
Hey awesome pictures, awesome stories and reviews guys!!!
I can't believe I wasn't there... Kris is a good friend and he's doing a fantastic job on orgenizing this awesome festival!

Next year.... no ski trips... I'm going to HC-III!
Glad you guys had such a great time!!!
I demand to see more pictures!!

oh and... who fondles Cara's toosh for me?!