Help recording guitars?

Dec 3, 2008
Hey I've been jamming/recording with this guitarist lately and I'm wondering what's the best way to record guitar without spending any money on any more gear than we've already got. What we did is plug his guitar directly into my M-Audio Fast Track Ultra and simulated an amp using Guitar Rig 4, since his amp doesn't have an output slot to put through the fast track.

So we came up with this. Please excuse the terrible drums, which were made in guitar pro. Basically we just used the "Big Monster" preset in Guitar Rig 4 and came up with the following video. We're trying to go for the heaviest yet highest quality guitar tone we can get using the gear that we're using.

Any suggestions? Are there any better presets for free out there for metal? I guess if I had to say we were looking to emulate a specific tone, it would be Dark Tranquillity's tone off of their album Fiction (which I realize will be pretty impossible to attain without thousands of dollars of gear). Any suggestions with any more plugins that are free, and if not a free one, maybe one that I can start saving up towards?