help with portable music

thanks for the info.
good luck finding ANYTHING made in the US. screw it. im not getting an mp3 player unless its made here. im done buying chinese shit. i urge you guys to do the same.
My iPod has been fucking up as of late (had it for a year), but that being said, it's had water in it, I've dropped it on concrete several times, keep it on my boiling hot computer and essentially treat it like shit.

iRiver's are supposed to be good, but it won't get you in with the chixxx!
Erik said:
see that computer over there that you're typing on

not a single god damn part in it was made in europe or america
yeah, i know. if i wouldve felt the same way when i bought it 5 years ago, i never would have. i dont think my life would be worse off i never bought a computer.
most, if not all, of the shit in my house was made by slaves. thats pretty sad.
ill gladly pay more for US-made goods. id actually pay LESS if i bought american cars haha [/hugediscounts]

@birkenau: wierd. im listeing to that same album (none so vile). what ARE THE CHANCES?!? i love you in the gay sense

also, the nutella my wife had on her toast this morning was made in new jersey. word to yo mutha
DG, i'm afraid 90% of all electronics are made in asia. in that 90% are 99.99999999999% of all decent computer parts, mp3 players, and a lot of home electronics. You'll just have to deal with that or watch your wife carve TV into a bearskin.
Conspicuously Absent said:
DG, i'm afraid 90% of all electronics are made in asia. in that 90% are 99.99999999999% of all decent computer parts, mp3 players, and a lot of home electronics. You'll just have to deal with that or watch your wife carve TV into a bearskin.
:tickled: :tickled: cool. fuck electronics then
I got this iPod for christmas, although I did recommend creative that advice went unheeded. Anyway, I suppose it hasn't given me too much trouble yet, although no drag & drop and being forced to work through iTunes to get stuff onto it is THE GAYEST THING EVER.

Seriously, I have never seen a music player as idiotic as iTunes. Windows Media Player, which I also hate, is like God in comparison. That and whenever I run iTunes I think I feel my computer's speed slowing to a crawl.
MajestikMøøse said:
I got this iPod for christmas, although I did recommend creative that advice went unheeded. Anyway, I suppose it hasn't given me too much trouble yet, although no drag & drop and being forced to work through iTunes to get stuff onto it is THE GAYEST THING EVER.

Seriously, I have never seen a music player as idiotic as iTunes. Windows Media Player, which I also hate, is like God in comparison. That and whenever I run iTunes I think I feel my computer's speed slowing to a crawl.

I think iTunes is the easiest, most efficient piece of software I've ever used. Funny, eh?
MadeInNewJersey said:
i don't know, they just do

they're 100 years behind the euros & japs, they get shitty gas mileage, they think the SUV is the answer to everything, performance? LOFL, what performance?

should i go on?
if you want to. the big 3 all own majority stock in a vast array of euro cars as well as some jap cars. how come those cars dont suck then eh?
in essence, the very idea of a car is a huge money pit. many of you guys have described car payments that are second only to your rent. thats crazy.
as far as american cars performance etc i agree with you. i just dont see the big deal.