Into Night's Requiem Infernal

Those of us fans with no talent should pool our resources and record a fake leak with great songs like "We're Not Novembers Doom But We Saw Someone Back Into Their Camper Once," "Wait How the Hell Did This Interview Veer Into a Discussion About Carebears?" and "I Never Purchase Anything Be It Merch Or a CD Then Bitch About The Lack of Decent Tours (Not That I Could Go On A Work Night Or When Something is On TV)."
Those of us fans with no talent should pool our resources and record a fake leak with great songs like "We're Not Novembers Doom But We Saw Someone Back Into Their Camper Once," "Wait How the Hell Did This Interview Veer Into a Discussion About Carebears?" and "I Never Purchase Anything Be It Merch Or a CD Then Bitch About The Lack of Decent Tours (Not That I Could Go On A Work Night Or When Something is On TV)."

Cool idea. I've got a shit load of songs to contribute to that! We could form a massively watered down pseudo tribute band called April's Mild Peril or something like that! :lol:
Well, there is a poster design submitted... We never talked about a special edition for this release yet. We have to think of something worth while to do. Any suggestions? What do you guys want to see in the form of a special edition?

Something like Opeth have done with their two latest albums. Studio/rehearsal footage mixed with interviews with the band, maybe some b-sides, poster, a little bit of live footage, extended artwork. Something like that.

And if you are going for a normal jewel case with the cd maybe make the special edition a digibook.
Well we've certainly got the cat balls. Not enough to go around though. LOL

Some good suggestions here, we'll have to discuss it within the band and then see what we can convince The End Records to do, if anything.
Bonus audio CD of the European acoustic performance.

Maybe another pre-order CD + T-shirt package.

Hate to be the accountant around here, but I am not so sure about the cost-benefit of a bonus DVD of just studio footage. Is this really something that people would watch repeatedly? I think live footage or bonus tracks would have a more long-term appeal to fans.

I don't know. I have some CDs with studio bonus DVDs, and I personally have only viewed them once and forgotten about it.

Most bands simply release their studio footage either as a YOUTUBE Channel or on their official sites or my space.

Granted, if a lot of $$$ was spent professionally recording the studio footage, then that might be a different story.
I'd prefer the bonus tracks and a poster personally, and the digibook with extended art work is always cool.
I agree with Jasonic, I enjoy the behind the scenes style dvd but i only watch them once and thats the end of it.
And I'd rather get the bonus tracks the first time I get the cd, rather than selling my copy and buying the Re-release... Which is what I did with, Of sculpured ivy and amid its hallowed mirth
Well there's a difference between doing re-releases of albums that are out of print for many years, as was the case with Sculptured Ivy and Amid...., and the bands/labels who do re-releases with bonus tracks and stuff of an album that just came out a year prior! I'm not a big fan of that practice and I don't think you'll see us do anything like that, at least not if we can help it.

The poster for the new album looks really good, I've seen it and I think it might be the best one we've had.
I'd prefer the bonus tracks and a poster personally, and the digibook with extended art work is always cool.
I agree with Jasonic, I enjoy the behind the scenes style dvd but i only watch them once and thats the end of it.
And I'd rather get the bonus tracks the first time I get the cd, rather than selling my copy and buying the Re-release... Which is what I did with, Of sculpured ivy and amid its hallowed mirth

I watch behind the scenes footage alot. I've probably watched my Damnation/Deliverance, Ghost Reveries and Watershed dvd 10 times each, I love those things.
I too really enjoy the behind the scenes/documentary type things that bands release. However I'm not sure if something like that would be possible for this release, that'd largely depend on what the record company thinks and is interested in doing. It's not something that can (or should) be slapped together too quickly. So we'll see.