Judas Priest


Nov 19, 2001
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I love judas priest, i think they created some of the best metal ever. Does anyone agree with me on this? I say this despite the fact i really dislike the whole priest image. I mention this as Maiden, Sabbath and SLayer, Venom etc always seem to be mentioned as influential bands, but man I think Priest was just as influential.
Yup, they were damn good, and they put out a shitbunch of kickass albums. British Steel, Painkiller, Screamin For Vengeance, Sad Wings, stained Glass and so on.
The video for 'Breaking the Law' is hilarious, my 80's metal band covered it along with 'the Trooper', 'Run to the Hills' and 'Ytse Jam'.
Anyways, yeh, I respect them and think they're cool.
Yeah, Judas Priest are without a doubt one of the most influential metal bands. They have been around longer than Iron Maiden, Slayer, and Venom, and actually may have had some part in influencing these bands. I have a copy of Painkiller, and don't have any other Judas Priest albums, but I think I have seen it mentinoed that Painkiller sounds different than their older material which was so influential. I really haven't heard enough classic Judas Priest to have an opinion on it, but I definitely respect their influence and longevity.
Painkiller would have been better had the cheese had not been so over-the-top.

Turbo was pretty bad.

The turn-of-the-decade stuff like British Steel and Screamin' For Vengeance were pretty kick-ass though.
Does anyone know why Priest changed the albums titles in the US? I mean Hell Bent For Leater was Killing Machine in Europe. I know Rob is gay, but I wonder why they openly cultivated a biker/gay image in the US.

Anyway, Judas priest is sort of a anomaly in taste for me- i usually hate over the top, high pitched vocals, with overly catchy and melodic music. Yet Priest did it so well, I cant not love it.

I agree with you on Painkiller- it maybe te best power metal album ever- but it is too power metal for my tastes.
speed said:
Does anyone know why Priest changed the albums titles in the US? I mean Hell Bent For Leater was Killing Machine in Europe. .
I'm sure I read somewhere it was simply because "Killing Machine" was too violent for the American market. Don't make much sense to me, but I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere. Killing Machine is my favourtie priest record.
I love Judas Priest! They were a very influential band, (in my humble opinion). My favorites: Sad Wings Of Destiny, Stained Class, Hell Bent For Leather, & Unleashed In The East.
I like Priest's style and rate how well the 2 guitarists play together. I also like the change and experimentation they've shown in their career.

Priest albums to check out:

Sad Wings Of Destiny - Classic Priest sound

Jugulator - Experimental sound, very heavy, Thrash

British Steel - Don't personally rate this album because I think it's too commercial. Has sing along to and well known Priest songs on though.
Priest is one of my all-time favorite bands. They are one of the most influential bands in metal, period. There are tons of bands that when i listen to them, i go "that's a bit Priest-ish". Power, speed, thrash, traditional, whatever genre, Priest has made their mark on it. Long live the priest!